
The gender morality debate ...

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I understand that some people consider men andwomen to have different morals. I am not for or against this statement. Im just wondering ... if this is indeed the case, can the same be said for homosexual men and women, or do they differ?

I dont mean this to be offensive to anybody. I am merely researching for a school assignment. Blame the teachers in this place.




  1. I think that it depends on how specific you want to be.  If you wanted to argue that then could you base another taxation of the sexes by race, educational background, type of car driven?  

  2. OK, the teachers are overly philosophical q****s.

  3. ,,,each man, woman, g*y or L*****n are entitled to their own opinion...

    ...let alone being a unique individual too...

  4. i don't think men and women have different morals.

  5. Every culture that one is influenced by affects one's morals.  If one can say that there is a culture associated with the g*y community, then that culture would affect the morals of those who participate in it.

  6. My personal opinion - and opinion is all you can get since morality is subjective - is that there is a spectrum of morality.  Lesbians are most moral then straight women then g*y men then straight men.  But, since I am a L*****n I may be prejudice. LOL  Seriously, I do think that every societal group has its own morality and individuals often change their own moral compass as they move from one group to another.  i.e.  your own morals may shift a bit depending on whether you are with your parents or your friends.   Also, since the female brain has stronger hemispheric connections their morality tends to be more amorphous and intuitive while men's tend to be more black-and-white and I think this is true regardless of sexual orientation.

  7. I think we are all moral acccording to our own lights and they probably are not classifiable. I have never noticed a different morality amongst women although i has been researched that women are given longer jail sentences for first offenses. So maybe we have a social problem with the equality of morality.

    Its probably a larger question because you need to define morality and see if  that religious based if so which religion? Some are more peaceful than others.  

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