
The german lanaguage?

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i'm an 18 year old who first experienced traveling and touring at age 16. i spent two months in france and learned the language very well..and quick..i then went to italy, hated the language, i went to luxembourg, too much of a confusion with luxembourgoise, german and french, so gave up on that..earlier this year i went to germany for two weeks and OMG the language was a disaster..the only thing i learned were bad seriously..fall of 08 i will bea freshman in college and planning on taking german..all the people doign the registration for me just gave me the eyes and look that said, seriously? why? is german that hard? will i never learn it? the only languages spoken in my family are khmer, french and english! how will i practice my german? germans, can i please have a view? is it worth taking german? or shouldi just drop it?




  1. German is a wonderful language (well, I'm native). If you took French, German will be easy for you. Four cases, verbs and nouns do flex, and all the tenses and irregularities will be much like in French. You might encounter gender problems, as German has three of them, male, female, and neuter. But don't be too much afraid of that: Even if you ask something like "Wohin kann ich nach das Bahnhof gehen?", which is really bad German, everybody will understand and show you the direction.

    [The correct phrase would be: "Wo geht es hier zum Bahnhof?"]

  2. To compare todays German to Shakespeares english is really idiotic... I haven`t heard of anything that stupid in ages.

    Even for a native german like me reading Goethe is hard.

    I don`t think German is such a hard language to learn. My parents came from Poland in the 70s. They learned it in a year. I think the key to learning german is not to compare it too much to english. Since there are many differences. The best way to learn a foreign language is to speak it. And practise speaking it, by talking to others only in german. Of course it`ll be hard for you to move to Germany and speak it...but you could go abroad for a semester. I went to the US for a highschool year, and thats where I learned english. That worked well for me. German isn`t more difficult than other roman languages. Because its related to english and french for example. You will get used to it. Just because it doesnt sound as fancy as french , doesnt mean it is as rough as it sounds to foreign ears...give it a shot !

  3. take it from somebody who learned english and german and is now fluent in both: if you did not get it from the first answer :) german is really really really hard. even the maajority of the german population can't get it 100% right. here is a good example for you: you probably red Shakespeare in school, notice how his english is different from today's enlglish? i had to read Goethe in german school, well it is not that different from todays german. so imagine you would be learning english as a foreighner, but shakespre's english.

    however there is a big big pro in learning german, opposing to let's say french. reading and pronouncing is very straight forward. no matter how funny you will pronounce, people will most likely understand you.

    so think for yourself, and here is another little something to consider: there are onlly a couple of german speaking countries in europe in the world, compared to let's say.. spanish.

  4. French is not really so different than german

    i think german is worth learning it. it is my favorite language ;-)

    why was the language a disaster?

    i think german is a very honest language

    german can be very hard for english native speakers but not always

    i have already written a text about our vocabulary and i think it might be useful for you

    Our vocabulary often consists of smaller parts.

    We combine two or more words to a new one or we use small words infront of the main word to indicate the meaning.

    Here i will list most small words(23) being used infront of main words.

    This might be very usefull for beginners.

    This will get you a better understanding of the german language.

    For example:

    Stören=to disturb

    Zerstören=to destroy

    Verstören=to unsettle

    I will only list the most important translations to make it shorter and hopefully less irritating.The words can have other meanings too.

    I would like to start with my favorite small word.


    The partverb Ur- is thousands of years old and hasn´t been touched in it´s meaning(not like most other old words)

    You can attach Ur- to every noun.

    It can also be attached to one verb and a few adjectives.

    Ur- indicates that the attached thing is very very old.

    For example:

    Knall =bang(sound)

    ´´Urknall´´ is the Big Bang causing the expansion of the univers.

    Groß =big

    Vater =father


    Alt =old

    Uralt =very very old

    Teilen =devide

    Urteilen =judge

    Zer- infront of a word indicates that you do something extreme to something/someone which means it´s end in it´s previous shape.

    Zerstören =destroy

    Fetzen =frazzle

    Zerfetzen =to frazzle,to shred

    Hauen =to beat

    Zerhauen =to beat something into little pieces

    Ver- i can´t explain.You will have to develope a feeling.

    Jagen =to hunt

    Verjagen =to hunt someone/something away

    Schrecken =scaring thing

    Verschrecken =scare someone

    Stehen =to stand

    Verstehen =to understand

    Laufen =to run

    Verlaufen durch=to pass through [route, road, etc.]

    Sich verlaufen =to go astray

    Gift =poison

    Vergiften =to poison,to contaminate


    Finden =to find

    Erfinden =to invent

    Zählen =to count

    Erzählen =to tell

    Langen =to grab something(mainly the moving hand)

    Erlangen =to attrain, to achieve


    Reden =speak

    Einreden =trying to make someone believe something

    auf jemanden einreden=to bring someone to rationality

    Füllen =to fill

    Einfüllen =to pour in

    Fallen =to fall(in battle or normal things fall down)

    Einfallen =to fall in(strong army invading enemy land)


    Reden =speak,talk

    Ausreden =finishing the spoken sentence

    Tragen =to carry

    Austragen(ein Kampf,a fight) =to go into fight with no purpose of leaving)

    Ein Spiel austragen = to stage a game

    Hang =hang

    Aushang =notice [announcement displayed on a board]


    Stehen =stand

    Unterstehen =to be subordinate to OR

    Unterstehe dich =dont dare to

    Sagen =to say

    Untersagen =to forbid


    Schrecken =scaring thing

    Abschrecken =to discourage

    Wiegen =to weigh

    Abwiegen = to weigh something against something else precisely

    Knallen =to bang(shoot),to pop

    Abknallen =to shoot sb

    Hacken =pick [pickaxe]

    Abhacken(an arm) =to hack someone´s arm off


    Stabilisieren =to stabilisise

    Destabilisieren =to destabilise

    Mut =bravery,courage

    Demut =humbleness,humility


    Geben =to give

    Angeben =to show off OR to adumbrate

    Halten =to hold

    Anhalten =to stop moving or to stop a process

    Greifen =to grab

    Angreifen =to attack


    Mut =courage

    Unmut =displeasure,chagrin

    Glück =luck

    Unglück(Pech is same= accident,disaster,bad luck


    Teil =piece

    Urteil =judgement

    Vorurteil =prejudice

    Singen =to sing

    Vorsingen =to sing infront of audition or to show how something is sung correctly

    Reiter =rider

    Vorreiter =the person who rides infront of you


    Fahre =Ich fahre( i drive) or fahre(you, start driving)

    fahren cant really be translated with drive.

    For example: Die Seelen fahren gen Himmel(The souls drive to heaven.Do you see the difference?)

    Nachfahre =descendant

    Speise =noble form of food

    Nachspeise =dessert


    Nahe =near

    Beinahe =almost,close

    Spiel =game,play

    Beispiel =example

    Drehen =to turn

    Beidrehen =to heave to

    Mischung =mixture

    Beimischung =addition


    Wissend =knowing

    Allwissend =omniscient

    Gemein =usual,crudely

    Allgemein =generally

    Zweck =function,purpose

    Waffe =weapon

    Allzweckwaffe =universal weapon


    Satz =sentence,can mean a little jump too

    Gegensatz =antagonism,contrast

    Wehr =lasher,defense

    Gegenwehr =resistance

    Stand =booth,position ,´´Stand´´ describes a caste too.Ritterstand=knightcaste

    Los =free,not bounded

    Gegenstandslos =redundant,unneccessary


    Wasser =water

    Bewässern(Land) =to water land

    Jammern =to wail

    Jemanden bejammern =to bewail someone


    Knien =to kneel

    Hinknien =to kneel down

    Fällig sein =to be due

    Hinfällig =obsolete


    Fallen =to fall

    Herfallen =to infest




    Herausfallen =to drop out,to fall out


    Fühlen =to feel

    Gefühl =feeling

    Setzen =to sit down

    Gesetz =law

    Schoss Es schoss=Everything very fast moving.Not only projectile

    Geschoss =projectile


    Aktiv =active

    Inaktive =inactive

    Folge =consequence

    Infolge =resulting from

    Stand =booth,position ,´´Stand´´ describes a caste too.Ritterstand=knightcaste

    Setzen =to sit down

    Instandsetzen =to overhaul


    Weisen =wise people(old)

    Überweisen =transfer money

    Treten =kick,step

    Übertreten =river raising and flowing over dams

    Übertreten(law) =a law can get übertreten by people

    Morgen =morning

    Übermorgen =in two days


    Haupt =head,chief

    Enthaupten =to behead

    Zwei =two

    Entzweien =to devide a piece of wood into two peaces

    Stehen =to stand

    Entstehen =to be formed

    Not all germans are able to explain these small words but everyone is able to use them with best knowledge and sense.

    Nehmen =to take

    Entnehmen =for example to take the tabac from a tabac box from the box to your hand....

    Vernehmen =to interrogate,to examine someone

    Abnehmen =loose weight,taking something away from someone

    Benehmen =behaviour

    Annehmen =to accept,to suppose

    Vornehmen =to take someone to your brest(when you want to teach someone a lesson),to put something on your to-do-list

    Unternehmen =to do something big

    Ausnehmen =to disembowel

    Passen =to fit,to suit

    Anpassen =to adept

    Aufpassen =to pay attention

    Verpassen =to miss

    Wurzel =roots

    Verwurzelt =enrooted, rooted

    Entwurzelt =removed roots

    Entwurzeln =removing roots

    Lieben =to love

    Verlieben =to fall in love

    Sprechen =to speak

    Entsprechen =to comply

    Versprechen =to make a speech impediment

    Ansprechen =to start conversation with someone

    Absprechen =to arrange terms

    Vorsprechen für eine Rolle =to read for something [audition for a part]

    Besprechen =to discuss

    Strahlen =to radiate

    Verstrahlen =to contaminate with radiation

    Erstrahlen ( im Lichterglanz erstrahlen=to be ablaze with light)

    Anstrahlen =to illuminate

    Bestrahlen =to irradiate something

    Richten =to judge

    Entrichten (Eine Gebühr entrichten = to pay a fee

    Verrichten =to perform

    Unterrichten =to teach

    Abrichten =to drill

    Errichten =to build

    Anrichten (Verwüstung anrichten = to cause devastation)

    Nachrichten =news

    Herrichten =to prepare

    Hinrichten =to execute

    Berichten =to report

    Ausrichten (Richte ihm das aus = Tell him this message from me)

    It can be easy too:

    Fordern =to demand

    Unterfordern =giving someone homework which doesn´t challenge him

    Überfordern =giving someone homework which challenges him too much

    There is a sense behind these small words.They have been set in the past regarding the ideology.

    Every german is able to use these small words with completely new words too.Everyone would choose the same small word for a special meaning.

    To understand this sense you have to know most words and understand the literal sense.

    Not all words can get all of the small words.When to use what is strictly determined.

    I havent listed many word combinations with other people/things and i may have forgotten some words.

    At the end i will list some words which contain two or more of these small words.

    Reden =to speak,to talk

    Sich mit jemanden verabreden =to arrange to meet somebody



    Standen = (Wir standen=we stood

    Einverstanden =okay,agreed



    Griff =hold(holding someone tight)

    Inbegriff =embodiment

    Groß =big



    Allzu groß =overly big



    Komm herüber =come to us



    Lassen =to let

    Veranlassen =to arrange

    Raten =to advise

    Hineingeraten =to blunder into a thing






    Spruch =saying

    Alleinvertretungsanspruch =to claim to sole representation

  5. as someone already wrote, any new language can be hard to learn, but it´s always worth it! And there is no language you can "never learn" if you´re determined to do so. That aside, German is actually not that different to English, in terms of vocabulary. The grammar is a different story, but hey, you learn that too.

    A good idea is certainly to practice a lot, find someone to talk to, possibly a native speaker. If you´re going to take German in college there´s sure to be someone who already speaks it right?? And btw, German isn´t such a rare language;)

    Good luck!!

  6. Well learning German can be difficult but learning any language is. German's grammar is almost impossible to get perfect, and German's have 16 different words that mean the and if you use the wrong the word people kind of look at you funny, besides that I find the actually German words easy to learn and remember. I had started by taking Spanish then after a year of Spanish I changed to German I personally like German better then Spanish. At first German Can seem a little overwhelming but it does get easier.

  7. I have been learning German for 20 years and still cannot speak it perfect and make small mistakes still.

    It takes shear will and determination and desire to want to learn it.  It also helps to have a Native helping you as I do. The Grammar will be your hardest part to learn, try to build a vocab base and learn how to make sentences with them correctly.

    Their are a few schools, tutors and such that could assist you with this in Germany or where you are possibly.

    I like the language I am just not a Master of it, but I learned fast as you did French. I think it also has to do with the desire and practise too!

    Viel Gluek. Good Luck.
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