
The giggles and laughter for like 5 minutes straight??

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have you ever laughed over nothing or something that wasnt funny at all randomly? tears in your eyes, stomache aching, the whole nine yards? for me its the most embarrasing or the worst times to have a laughing fit.

what has caused you to have a laughing fit ? what do you think causes them?





  1. for me? it was a pickle...on a stick haha

  2. LMAO IM LAUGHING MY HEAD OFF FROM THE ANSWERS...but i got ALL THE TIME...when im in class and its REALLY REALLLY QUIET....i just say random like "the sky in blue today...." AND i START CRAKING UP LMAO

  3. lol that happens to me all the time.

    Say i'm in school, and the whole class is extremely quiet. I start noticing the littlest things and die laughing, even if they are not funny.

    For example, if someone sneezes in a very quiet room, i start cracking up.

  4. My cousin held his baby brother and said " he likes me better" then the baby threw up in his face right when he said that...........

  5. when i was a kids my cousin and i were playig housea at his house, i was the mommey and since he didnt have any dolls we had to go with teddy bears, and he said lets pretend they are baby-human-teddy-bears and i kept laughing for way over 5 minutes, and kept laughing like that when ever i remembered it for few years later!  >.<"

  6. About two years ago, I watched Guy Goma's interview on BBC.  He was mistaken for Guy Kewney, a famous internet expert.  Goma went on with the interview, just making stuff up as the interviewer came to the realization that she was interviewing the wrong fellow.  Kewney was in an adjacent room watching "himself" as a large black guy with a thick Nigerian accent.

    I was crying from laughter for weeks.

  7. I always got yelled at for laughing during all my drivers ed classes because the guy would freak if anyone made a noise and that made it harder for me to stay quiet.

    ha ha

  8. Man, that happens a lot. Used to happen the most in junior high school. I think most of it, for me, comes directly from not getting enough sleep. I remember once when a friend and I were coming home from camp (delirious, of course), we just started laughing out loud at the trees going by. Now that's a sad story.

  9. Well, not quite a laughing fit, but I'll tell you a story.

    My grandparents are God-crazy and insist on saying grace before every meal. I usually only go up to their house for Thanksgiving, Chrsitmas, etc. when there are at least a hundred people. So it comes time for everyone to bow their heads and say grace. And for some reason, grace makes me laugh so hard, and I know I need to shut up, because I'm being so rude, but I can't. Then I get dirty looks.

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