
The ginger haired one, he never came from Prince Charles loins!! anyone else agree?

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The ginger haired one, he never came from Prince Charles loins!! anyone else agree?




  1. I think he easily looks like he could be descended from Spencers and Mountbatten-Windsors. He does look a bit like Charles, around the eyes.

    But it's not an obvious thing one way or the other like if he were obviously part Black or something   So I certainly don't presume to know. and I dont see how people can be so sure - -or care so much.

    Anyway, how'd you like it if someone was saying that about you? Or about your son?  The kid cant even come on YA without seeing all these people saying his dad's not his dad.  He's an actual human being,  you know?

  2. I agree!!

  3. Give it a rest!

    The red hair is caused be a recessive gene. Take a look at the offspring of the rest of the Spencers. And kindly stop talking about Charles' loins while I am having my evening meal.

  4. Really? Does it make any difference that his brother has fair hair, that his mother had fair hair, and genetically, when you combine the genes for dark hair with the genes for light hair, you will sometimes get red, rust, ginger or something inbetween.

  5. Agreed.

  6. No, he did not.

  7. Ok, I'm really not certain about the timing, but I thought the affair with Hewitt began some time after Harry's birth.

    Sorry, no, he really doesn't look much like Charles or the Windsors.  He's the spitting image of the Spencers, though.  And doesn't Di have a sister who is a red head?

    The father really doesn't carry ALL the genes.

    But, just in point of fact, there HAVE been some redheads in the Royal Family, albeit some generations ago.

  8. Well if he wasn't it would be covered up. It might come out in a generation or two when everyone involved is long gone, but for now, whatever the facts, we'll never know.

  9. Goodness this sounds like such silly gossip without an ounce of proof either way!  Don't some of you feel rather silly having such strong opinions??  Do you all do this over the back fence with your neighbors?  Do you get distressed when the idle gossip is directed at you or your family?

  10. Definitely a Hewitt.

  11. Yes. Me.  You talking about my grandson here.  And his hair is not really that colour.  It was changed by the Duke of fuggin Edinburgh and MI6.

  12. Totally he has to be the galloping majors...

  13. Prince Harry is the son of Prince Charles. Certainly any child born into the Royal family would have blood work done at birth to be certain of it's parentage. And if Prince Harry was not a "Royal", Diana would have been out on the street so fast your head would spin.

    best of luck to you!

  14. Is everyone else missing the enormous ears that are from the Winsor-Mountbattan's

  15. I feel more that you are right than wrong.  None of us know for sure... but it sure does beg the question as he appears more like her lover she had "later" according to stories... than it did her lop ears husband.



  16. Looks like a Hewit to me

  17. I have always thought that he belonged to Hewitt, and possibly still do - but a while ago he was featured on the news in combat gear and a rifle and I wasn't concentrating on the commentary. As I looked at the tele, I thought it was Charles, believe it or not he looked just like him! When I realised my mistake I was amazed, because until then I had never been able to see any resemblance at all. However, it could be put down to a learned expression, we tend to adopt those of people we spend a lot of time with. So now I am not so sure. Hewitt has denied that his affair with Diana had started by this time, and no-one has come forward to say they know it had. I had thought that it was Diana's revenge for him dating that horse whilst they were married, knowing that he could not let it be public knowledge. (Sorry for the irreverence, but I have no regard for that woman.) But now I have a slight doubt, he could possibly be Charles'. I hope she got a bit of amusement out of the speculation. I don't think she got much other amusement out of her marriage -  until she realised the fascination she could command from other men tthat is!!

  18. ask king james.

  19. I hope your not talking about one of the corgi's lol

  20. I agree. The 2 of them don't even look like brothers. My wife thinks the ginger haired one turned out to be the better looking of the two.Which shouldn't be surprising considering that Charles looks like an old elf.

  21. Nope. Prince Harry resembles more like relatives from his mother's side of the family. He definitely resemble more like a Spencer like his uncle, Earl Spencer Charles and his two aunts Lady Lady Jane Fellowes and Lady Sarah McCorquodale, more than a Mountbatten-Windsor. He is a Spencer through and through.

  22. Its possible that the ginger haired one (harry) got his ginger hair and looks from Diana's side of the family.  Diana's father, brother and sisters all have ginger hair, and her natural colour also had tingers of ginger to it.  (she was a bottle blonde).  So it is quite possilbe that he is Prince Charles son, but takes after the Spencer side of the family.  The only way to prove this of course would be a DNA test, otherwise techincally it could be argued that both William and Harry were not the biological sons of Charles, as both of them take after Dianas side of the family. (Harry the Spencer side and William the Fermoy side)

  23. Yes he is defiantly a Weasley ! They should have named him Ron!

  24. I don't know,just as I don't know who sired you,either and whether your family is nervously laughing off suggestions that you resemble the road sweeper.It is just so cowardly to come up with questions like this.If I could,I would award you a white feather,and I imagine that you would wear it with pride.

  25. Nah, he has the same beady eyes.

  26. your right

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