
The girl I'm dating hinted she did sexual favors for money when she was a teenager. How should I respond?

by  |  earlier

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should i stay or should i go?




  1. it was her past she prob felt guilty for not telling u and wantes u to forgive her

    help me;...;...

  2. well she's bringing it up so i guess she's not ashamed? talk about it if your comfortable but you could be opening up a big can of worms...

  3. okay lets look at it this way...some girls get money, some other girls go out at night for dinner with a guy and think that they need to "repay" him.  don't get all worked up ladies, you know their are girls out there that do that.  and i'm a girl that has seen one of my friends date girls like this.

  4. People do change, she is older now and if she has her dignity now and she is protecting it then you shouldnt let the past affect you. Everyone makes mistakes, the important thing is if you learned from the mistakes.

  5. Give her a 5?

  6. How old is she now? Actually, it really doesn't matter what she did in the past. What is she like NOW? What are her values? How does she feel about her past? How committed is she to you? Has she matured? You need to sit down and talk to her about it. Communication is the key to a successful relationship, regardless of what she did as a teenager. Talk to her! Find out what kind of person she truly is, now, here in the present. Then make your decision. Only you can ultimately answer whether or not you should stay or go.

    Good luck!

  7. well if u werent with her then it is none of ur concern and if u love her u would put it behind u

  8. yes!! just because she had a bad sexual history dusnt meen that u shoodnt date her!! if she dus it again and again break up with her but remember, everyone dus things that they arent proud of to get wut they want!!!

  9. Well do you want to stay or do you want to go? Honestly, you are lucky she told you and should be happy because she could have hide it from you.

  10. She doesn't still do it and she didn't actually say she did, did she?

    If her past as a teenager is going to make you so uncomfortable, I suggest leaving her. Find someone without such a dark past to start a life with.

    If it doesn't really bother you, then let it go.

  11. That was the past, things change. If you love her enough you will forgive it and stay with her. It really depends on how much you really like her. Good luck =]

  12. dude, i don't wanna be mean but i want you to break up with that shittywhore

  13. If she was afraid of it, then you should comfort her and say "you won't now because now you're with me. And I will help you do what's right for both of us"

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