
The girl im seeing has just had her friend die what sud i say?

by  |  earlier

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HER: "omg someone in my year at school hung him self last night! Im like cryin!"

ME 1 HOUR LATER "Are you ok?:( sorry would have text back sooner iv been working, hope your ok"

HER: "Its really upsetting! I wanna hug! Ive been crying for like anhour now!"

ME: ":( Sorry for not being there with you.. I Know you do..wish i could have been there for u!"

HER: "Dont worry babe you couldnt of been.. Do u still want to see me tomoro night? You can give me a big hug then"

What do i say? We live 10 miles apart so we can only get to each other by bus and that.. i worked 8am til 10pm today so i couldnt get to her and working 8 - 5 the rest of the week

What should i say?? Im not good with these sort of things as i never know what to say




  1. "of course! i'll give you the biggest hug EVER. if you need anyone to talk to, i'm here"



    answer mine

  2. when you get to her just give the hugs needed and become a good listener at these time it's best if we just listen and be ok with not talking

  3. Let her know that you are there for her if she wants to talk about it.  Tell her that you will do whatever you can to help her get through this.  Go and visit her if you can and just spend some one on one time with her.  If she wants to talk she will.  I mean don't completely avoid the subject but don't push her either.  Comfort her as best you can.  

  4. There aint nothing you could say,  Just ask about how she knew guy and what she knows about situation.  then its just comfort time and lots of holding.

  5. just see her ASAP and hug her like she wants!!!

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