
The girl of my dreams hates me!!! I have never loved anyone liked this and now she hates me what should i do!?

by Guest58059  |  earlier

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Well i met this girl back in third grade and i fell madly in love with her since the second i laid my eyes on her. At the end of my 8th grade graduation i sent her a note telling her how i feel about her the bad news was that she was dating this complete jerk when i sent her the note! after awhile he wouldn't stop bugging and he made me say things i didn't mean to not only that he told the girl what i said and at first she was getting mad at me even though she knew how i felt about her. Anyway when they finally broke up i had a feeling she still didn't like me then people started making rumors that we were going out so then she thought i started them and thats when she i knew she hated me. Things really got worse when i met her at this party, before that she was treating me like c**p, and i was getting sick of it. So when i tried to talk to her she yelled at me and ask what the **** do you want and thats when i snapped and said these awful things to her. Til this day i totally hate myself for saying those things, it was so bad it even made her cry! Now every time she hears my name she freaks out! i keep telling her that I'm sorry and that i love her so much and she wont listen I've tried everything. I even gave up a prep school to go to the same school as her and she still doesnt care. Now I'm going to some ordinary school for no reason all because of her! Not only that i made a promise to myself that if i would mess up on this girl i would never love again! SO i cant give her up just like that. Shes so beautiful, nice, and caring and now she despises me! Someone please help me?!




  1. If you love something, let it go and see what happens.  She probably feels more like you are stalkerish/obsessed with her since you are going to go to the same school as her despite her dislike and the fact that you two aren't in a relationship.  Also, if you had an outburst and said mean things to her.. as just a friend.. that probably scared her.  Maybe try write her a long letter and explain everything one more time

  2. youre wayyyy to young to be all freaked out on a girl.  get your driver's license and chill out.  

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