
The girl that was kept in a cellar for 24 years?

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How do you think most people would have coped with this situation? I don't think I would have survived.




  1. I think it is very bizarre...How did the mother not 24 years she never went to the cellar.. she never heard anything..

    I think most would be completely insane...

  2. It was all she ever knew.

  3. i couldnt cope with that. i go mad when my husband closes the curtains before its dark. if i didnt see daylight, if i didnt leave the house i would die.

    she must have been so scared of him. she must have been totally demoralised.

    i would have made a knife from a tile or anything  solid. and i would have killed him while he was raping me.  i hope her and the children can make good use of their freedom now but the kids will have an awful time adjusting. their lives are ruined forever i think

  4. It makes you wonder if there are any more "caged children" maybe police should start looking at the missing persons list in Austria She survived because she wasn't given a choice she just had to suffer helplessly

  5. This woman and her children have suffered so much it is just something you and i cannot imagine. I havn`t heard many stories as horrific as this since reading books about Aushwitz.

    Pure wickedness that makes me so sad.

    I`m not sure that she had any choice but to survive, i`m sure she would have wanted to end it all at times but didn`t have the means.

  6. i think it was so awful,poor girl why on earth didn't the mother go and look what was going on.the father looks a right pig of a man,he must be off his trolley,i no what i would like to do to him this minute.

  7. I know, its awful. I cant begin to imagine what it must have been like for her.

  8. I wouldn't like to imagine but somehow people amazingly survive in the worst possible scenarios... She probably wished she were dead many times... It's the stuff of nightmares, to say the least...

  9. I can't understand why she didn't try to escape. If she and her 2 eldest siblings got together, and together with the fact he is no spring chicken, she could've made an attempt some time ago.

  10. I do think you would have survived because our bodies mentally and physically go into survival mode no matter what the circumstances. Look at all the horrors of Auschwitz the amazing people who survived that .

    It is the saddest and most horrendous story I have read in recent times. I can not read the newspaper stories about it the comments the other day about the 5 year old riding in a car and also when they saw the moon for the first time had me in floods of tears.  This poor child apparently has the best chance of rehabilitation to a "normal" life than the others.

    The clinic has created somewhere for them to be together and apparently a windowless quiet room for when it all gets too much.  

    I think it raises many emotions because we are just not capable of comprehending what they have all been through. I am so glad the media haven't plastered photos of them all over the place and at least seem to be respecting the children and their mothers privacy at the clinic.

  11. well, she is clearly a STRONG person. normally a person would have gone into severe depression and low self esteem, eventually commitind suicide?

    look, at the end of the day, she's free from that and more importantly her kids can live a normal life. i think what her father did is beyond disgrace and has no words to describe it.

  12. I know, particularly in the first four or five years when she was completely alone, at least with children there is a reason to live.  You'd go mad, completely bored and alone and being attacked every night.  She must be one h**l of a brave woman.

  13. if you don't know any different how would you know that it's wrong?  although i think it's horrific

  14. its amazing what humans can do-we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for

  15. it is the most horrific story i heard in my life!

    This man is pure evil, and how on earth he got away fro so long, i will never know!

    The cellar family had no choice really, they could not shout fr no one would have heard -the cellar rooms were sound proofed.

    Has the girl in the hospital died now? I read that she is suffering multiple organ failure. How did this happen? what went wrong with her?

    It is a such a tragic story.

    we had a lovely holiday in Austria last year as we went on the Mozart trail. God, I never ever  dreamed that something like this could be happening there??!!

    It is a shocking story!!

  16. i would have gone crazy

  17. the sad thing is that she didn't know anything else,so that would be been like a normal day we have , this is a vary sad true story. but hopefully people will give them all the life thy never had , thy will never forget it but at least thy can move on now , wish full thinking from me and maybe other thy will stone that man 2 death in front of everyone. and let the dogs loss on him, as for the mother she need putting away for life she know what was going on, oh well she will have a happy ending now, god bless them all,

  18. as i've said before the hype needs to be directed in the right direction. firstly what i want to know is why time and time again are authorities giving perpertrators rights over victims. This man raped a women before his daughter, was only given 18 months for it, got to adopt kids the same gender as the women he raped which i think is really sick, has his criminal record removed after only five years, since his daughter ran away twice b4 the dungeon episode was returned to her family by the police ( if his criminal record had been available) maybe this wouldnt have happened. and is allowed to build a dungeon like cellar if a rapist told me he wanted to build a sound proof room underground i certainly wouldn't think his intentions were good. didn't have his privacy invaded. since clearly rapists have a right to privacy too must be what the austrian authorities think. yeah right privacy to hurt and torture people. sadly this is another case of authorities being to lenient with people. i mean if one was austrian and raped somone at 20 the most one would get is 15 years (yes its completely shocking that the maximum sentence in austria is 15 years for s*x crimes) this person would be out at 35 at most by which time they would have learnt that the next time they must do it so that they do not get caught. i think people all over the world should start protesting about these "enabling laws" that enable perpertrators of these crimes to get away with their deeds until they do something really horrific. i mean its happening everywhere all over the world time and time again you here some peadophile has done something really awful killed, raped or tortured children and then you hear but wait this guy had a previous conviction for a similar crime before he did this terrible thing and was given a light slap on the wrist the first time. if any good is to come out of this the authorities and law makers of the world will start waking up and realising if they jail these people the first time for lengthy periods in order for justice to the original victims as well as preventing future victims. why are laws being made for pedophiles. i mean its like the average pedophile gets to hurt at least two or three kids before he actually gets a tough sentence. and as for the daughter she was raped from the age of 11, ran away twice and was returned home to her parents by the police, was drugged, made to give birth without any medical care or attention. the poor women was probably mentally and physically exhausted, that she managed to last that long without dying is a tribute to her survival instinct.

  19. I would have suicided or had the brains to escape.

  20. I'm so glad she did make it through and lived to see this monster pay for his crimes.She is everything that he is not and her survival in a way signifies her defeat of this monster.I hope she goes on to live a good life.

  21. Me neither but I think if there had been more boy children things might have turned out differently.x

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