
The girl who was murdered in Brazil.......

by Guest60890  |  earlier

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Ok, I'm not judging the parents, but who here seriously would let there 17yr old daughter go half way across the world (or anywhere) with some strange boy they met in there home town? I doubt there parents 'didn't' know, otherwise there would be a huge hunt for the girl, and there wasn't.

Will this incident teach us as people to be more cautious and vigilant against people we dont know, and even people we do know. Of course we don't know what will happen around the corner, but people with authority such as parents need to be more vidulant and smarter.

What do you think?




  1. I'm not judging the parents but.......

    Get a life eh? The poor lass is dead-murdered in a horrific manner by some guy off his head on crack/coke.The same could be said about that lass who was murdered in Japan/Tokyo.

    The bf paid for her to go across to Brazil. The mum probably thought it would be a great life experience.Hindsight is a great thing. Here's hoping the guy gets his just desserts.

    Update-"If your "excuse" is true...." Wtf you banging on about man? I'm just telling you whats been reported. And, one other thing. Learn to spell. There's a spell checker so you have no excuse.

    Stop Press-You obviously used your spell checker-Good Boy! If i wanted to be pedantic, i'd have picked you up on the wrong use of the word "there". Oops, i just did.

    Your spelling is like your arguement/question-Flawed. Ha!

    Newsflash-Checkmate? From a kid calling himself smoothgroover7? I dont think so buddy. I'll repeat what i said all those hours ago.Your arguement is flawed/poorly presented/and lacking any real "meat". I'll happily pay for a ticket to Brazil for you smooth!! Touche my friend,touche.

  2. Well, she had been expelled from school for assault and was on drugs...this shows that her parents didn't have much control over her. All I can say is that at 17 ,I certainly wouldn't have been allowed to go...and I'm a bloke.

  3. Latest news-

  4. I thought the same thing, this day in age its just not safe for 17 year old girls to be jetting off to another country with someone they dont really know that well. I am surprised at the parents for letting her go, i know its hard to keep teenagers tied down but really!! I know i would be scared to do something like that.Maybe they did try and talk her out of it tho and she just went off anyway as it does say that someone else paid for her ticket! Who knows, its so sad and this guy looks pure evil. So many sick people in the world now, it will get to the point people wont leave their houses.  

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