
The goods and bads of global warming.?

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I have been given an science progect to find 2 good things and 2 bad things about global warming would you be able to help me with this. The whole thing needs to fill an A4 page which will be typed up on the computer so as much infomation as you can give please maybe with webpage URLs if you have any. Thank You in advance for any help you can offer.




  1. cientists and researchers have begun to pay more attention to the waters of the ocean and how global warming effects the ocean. Ocean temperatures have been rising as far back as 1940, causing an increase in the strength of hurricanes and tsunamis.

    There are many skeptics who do not agree about how global warming effects the ocean, but they all can agree there is an increase of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere as well as the oceans. These is also little doubt as to what has caused the increase in carbon dioxide, which is our dependency on fossil fuels.

    The oceans help control the amount of carbon dioxide released in the air by absorbing it into the ocean s salty waters. This in turn helps to control the amount of global warming in the earth s atmosphere. The problem is the carbon dioxide also changes the oceanic waters, causing them to have a higher level of acid. This could possibly have an effect on any type of life which is found in the ocean.

    Carbon Dioxide And How Global Warming Effects The Ocean

    Carbon dioxide is a gas that helps hold in the heat which is on the earth. It is a necessary process in order to keep the earth warm enough to sustain life. Excess amounts of carbon dioxide cause increased heat. There are many elements that come into play to produce carbon dioxide. Our dependence on gasoline is a major factor in the increase of carbon dioxide. We are now producing carbon dioxide at much greater levels and there are not enough natural elements to control it.

    How global warming effects the ocean depends on how fast we put carbon dioxide in the air. The ocean absorbs as much as a third of the carbon dioxide which we generate. There is some question how long this can continue. With more and more carbon dioxide in the air the oceans of the world will not be able to handle it.

    When trying to determine how global warming effects the ocean you have to consider the fact that the increase of carbon dioxide in the water has increased the acidity of the water as well as the water level. You also have to consider what the acid does to oceanic plant life and marine life. Some studies show the acid reduces the plankton in the ocean which is critical to some forms of sea life. If the current trend continues there is fear that some species of marine life will become extinct. There is also speculation that the higher acidity will in some way damage other marine life and the food chain it needs to survive. Global warming is a serious problem that needs to be addressed and dealt with now so that our children will have a safer world to raise their children in.


  2. while Scientists state that ocean temps have been rising since 1940, rarely do they give the actual numbers.  The average rise in temp of our oceans has been a mere 0.40 degrees over the past 100 years, in fact it is lower now that in previous centuries.  Remember, scientists need funding and funding comes from Environmental groups...which have agendas.  you don't produce results that promote their agendas then you are out of funds.

    on top of that, there are glaciers that are currently growing.  Check out Greenland glaciers sometime.  How can glaciers be accumulating ice if there is global warming? doesn't make sense. right?

  3. Taking a scientific approach, I researched several scientific databases. After reading the NASA data where they talk about how the surface temperature of all nine planets in the solar system is rising in direct relationship to their distance from the sun (except Jupiter which is also warming from it's own internal heat), and how they measured that - I don't worry about global warming anymore.

    I can't change the heat output of the sun nor the solar cycles, nor can I change the surface temperatures of the other planets. These things are simply beyond my power to even influence.

  4. Disadvantages of Global Warming

        * Ocean circulation disrupted, disrupting and having unknown effects on world climate.

        * Higher sea level leading to flooding of low-lying lands and deaths and disease from flood and evacuation.

        * Deserts get drier leaving to increased desertification.

        * Changes to agricultural production that can lead to food shortages.

        * Water shortages in already water-scarce areas.

        * Starvation, malnutrition, and increased deaths due to food and crop shortages.

        * More extreme weather and an increased frequency of severe and catastrophic storms.

        * Increased disease in humans and animals.

        * Increased deaths from heat waves.

        * Extinction of additional species of animals and plants.

        * Loss of animal and plant habitats.

        * Increased emigration of those from poorer or low-lying countries to wealthier or higher countries seeking better (or non-deadly) conditions.

        * Additional use of energy resources for cooling needs.

        * Increased air pollution.

        * Increased allergy and asthma rates due to earlier blooming of plants.

        * Melt of permafrost leads to destruction of structures, landslides, and avalanches.

        * Permanent loss of glaciers and ice sheets.

        * Cultural or heritage sites destroyed faster due to increased extremes.

        * Increased acidity of rainfall.

        * Earlier drying of forests leading to increased forest fires in size and intensity.

        * Increased cost of insurance as insurers pay out more claims resulting from increasingly large disasters.

    Advantages of Global Warming

        * Arctic, Antarctic, Siberia, and other frozen regions of earth may experience more plant growth and milder climates.

        * Northwest Passage through Canada's formerly-icy north opens up to sea transportation.

        * Less need for energy consumption to warm cold places.

        * Fewer deaths or injuries due to cold weather.

        * Longer growing seasons could mean increased agricultural production in some local areas.

        * Mountains increase in height due to melting glaciers, becoming higher as they rebound against the missing weight of the ice.

  5. Good thing:  Siberia will thaw, allowing Russia to finally exploit the mineral wealth underground.

    Bad thing: Siberia will thaw, allowing the oceans to flood most costal cities across the Atlantic Basin, from St. Petersburg, to London, to New York, to New Orleans (again), to Cancun.

    Good thing: Canada turns int a new agricultural powerhouse.

    Bad thing: Iowa stops growing corn and starts growing cactus.

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