
The government agency that is responsible for identifying and protecting species that are endangered U.S.A?

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The government agency that is responsible for identifying and protecting species that are endangered U.S.A?




  1. The EPA .. is my understanding.

  2. I would try the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  To my understanding the EPA is a regulatory agency that deals more with polution then species.

  3. that would fall under the environmental protection agencies mandate but they seem to be doing less and less in recent years

  4. It is a component of the EPA

  5. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service.

    Legislation such as state or federal Endangered Species Acts (ESA) plays an important role but only when the actions of federal, state, and local governments as well as the public have not adequately protected ecosystem functions. An ESA should be viewed as a "safety net" that provides protection as a last resort.

    Since 1983, the ESA has established a process to allow the "incidental take" of a listed animal species if a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) is prepared to reduce the adverse impacts. Since 1993, the number of HCPs approved or pending approval has skyrocketed primarily due to the implementation of the "No Surprises" policy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Marine Fisheries Service.

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