
The government and NHS ?

by  |  earlier

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What went wrong , i have a Friend who's just had a baby and she said it was terrible , and i have had problems my self , what can the government do to improve services




  1. The Government can't do anything - thats the problem!

    They keep interfering and setting all these ridiculous targets instead of letting the people in the NHS just get on with things !!

    I got out of the NHS 3 years ago -- it's dying !

  2. Tax you even more.   The more services you get the more it costs you.  That's the problem with NHS.  

  3. PRIVATIZE - quit making Americans look so d**n good at EVERYTHING.

    NHS IS NOT FREE. YOU PAY MORE TAXES FOR IT. Do any of you actually claim that NHS is free? Wow. Do you wonder while your country's taxes are 15% higher than the US?

  4. Get a proper governament not some Americanised fascists only rich people matter one. Otherwise, they are going to degrade the national health service more and more even though it is the single most important thing for the general population.

    According to the government, buying nukes and waging illegal war is far more important.

  5. Stop giving billions to Brussels. If we left the EU and its criminal workings we would have enough to run all the services we want and give back about 5 pence in the pound to tax payers. Do not expect any improvement as all the idiots in Westminster are europhiles and looking ot join the gravy train as soon as possible.

  6. For all everyone moans about it, it is still a free service and compared with some countries is very good. and even at its worst, it is still better than it was some thirty years ago....

  7. The NHS is for those who can't afford to pay for proper treatment. It's a basic service.

    If you don't like that then go private.


  8. They can take more of your money and treat all the immigrants who have not paid a penny into the NHS>

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