
The government is working had to fix our energy problems and working hard to fix our budget issues?

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The House of Representatives on Tuesday passed a resolution apologizing to African-Americans for slavery and the era of Jim Crow. 7-29-08. Not saying slavery was right, but really we dont have anything better to do than this? We actually pay these people to work for us?




  1. I'd like to see the house voting results on this one. It appears that these politically correct waifs are  front running for Obama.

  2. This is a an ELECTION YEAR STUNT.  IT is called a distraction.  By the time the window of printout to do something about it your opportunity will have passed.  Look at OIL - do you really think it is going down because of demand, or was it ARTIFICIALLY INFLATED TO HAVE A CRISIS - that need to be resolved by a politician.  I have not heard of any new Major discoveries filing the pipe.

    It is easy to fix a problem when you made it.

  3. It's up to us to vote these idiots out of office.  We need a grassroots libertarian movement started

  4. Many politicians do not even bother to show up and vote. It shows they are just there for the money. Any chance to get an easy legislation picture is what they live for.

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