
The government of country A controls all industries. What kind of economy does country A have?

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capitalist,socialist, or mixed




  1. The old definitions were that capitalism is when the capitalists control the means of production, and socialism is when the workers control the means of production.

    If the capitalists control the state, and the state controls the means of production, then it is capitalism; and the state is more open to the control of any ruling class than the control of a working class.

    Many socialists from the 19th century to the present have condemned state control as either capitalism or outright despotism. Cf Bakunin:

    At the same time, some socialists have even defended free markets, and condemned the state's support for favored businesses. Cf Tucker:

    Historically, supporters of socialism have varied from opponents of the state (like Proudhon or Bakunin) to supporters of it (like Engels), as well as from supporters of completely free markets (like Proudhon or Tucker) to supporters of planned economies (like Marx) to supporters of free access to common means of production (like Kropotkin).

    Now things get complicated because some people (e.g. Marxists and Misesians, taking opposite sides) have identified centrally planned economies with "socialism" and free-market economies with "capitalism." Anarchism and similar ideas would be a third category, "syndicalism," in the Misesian classification.

  2. Socialist.

  3. Socialist. (like the Soviet Union)

    Capitalist is where the gov. owns none (the closest thing is the US, but there is some regulation)

    Mixed is where the gov. owns some (say, China, with state owned enterprises)

  4. It's definitely not capitalist, that is a condition where businesses are privately owned.

    I would contend Socialist or Communist...Both work under the premise that income is owned by "society" or the "community" and individual ownership just allows for greed and inequality.  Regardless of Socialism or Communism, in both cases industry is government owned and subject to "central planning"...Or direction by the government.

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