
The governor of Illinois wants to put speed cameras on the highways-is this anywhere else in America?

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The governor of Illinois wants to put speed cameras on the highways-is this anywhere else in America?




  1. In Tennessee,we have some(Not ordered by Governor Bredesen) display boards that tell you how fast you are going and we have police with radar guns

  2. AZ has them...big brother...bad sh.t

  3. Not yet,but L.A. has been using cameras on the freeways for years to monitor traffic flow.

    The voters need to send a message to the state that they don't want the cameras installed.

    The arguments for the use of cameras is public safety-speeders,catching criminals,accidents,etc.

    That part is true,but it also to keep an eye on the people in general.

    Group mentality is to let someone else get involved so I don't have too.

    A lot of cities are putting the cameras up even though the people don't want them (Welcome to the future world of "Judge Dredd" and Demolition Man"!

    There are small trailers equipped with speed radar and a sign that posts your speed so the driver can see what his speed is.

    Speed radars have been under attack since they indicated that standing grass was moving at 4 miles an hour and that by turning a s***w slightly will change the speed readout and the operator can do it without opening the unit.

  4. Arise and fight this tooth and a nail. Just who are you offending by driving the speed the highways were built for?  A Camera? Make sure the legislature puts up road blocks like speed studies before Camera installs. Slowing cars down may make more pollution. Make sure they do not picture the driver or passengers it might not be your wife sitting next to you! Get a ticket get caught fooling around and get divorced all at the same time. Orbis speed Cameras were struck down in Texas Back in the 70's as being an infringement of your rights. FIGHT  FIGHT  FIGHT!

  5. Yes, they are everywhere.  Red light cameras, speed cameras, security cameras, you name it.

    Follow the speed limit and grow up.

  6. this is something that is coming ,big brother is watching

  7. There are cameras for highways everywhere, even in nebraska, but to monitor speed, i know for sure arizona has them. It's bs i tell ya. It's enough to have the troopers on the road.

    It's not gonna make us safer either, it's gonna make them more money, that's all.

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