
The great firewall of china has been lifted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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yes! it is! wat is the first thing u will do? which is the first site u will go to?




  1. I would try to access Yahoo Hong Kong if I were in Beijing now.



  2. Have you ever heard of a thing called site agent? The biggest internet   agent (I know) is actually yahoo. LOL

    Yes, you can use foreign agent sites to access any webpage you want with or without the great firewall while you are in China.

  3. Uhm mind to share where did you get this info from? And what websites are now 'open'? Because I'm in China too and I still can't access my website at

  4. I been visiting the bbc website for a few months now.

    I let you into a big secret most Chinese use proxies to get around the great firewall........

  5. And here I am back in the states.  Darn!  I probably would've tried to see the falun gong videos on youtube I was blocked from seeing a few months ago.  I don't care about the falun gong.  I just wanted to see if I could do it.  

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