
The greatest impediment to water recycling is?

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u. lack of organized wastewater collection

v. lack of awareness

w. the cost of electricity involved

x. the time it takes to process the water




  1. Most metropoliton areas reclimate their water. You've heard of "sewers" haven't you?

  2. Is this a homework question? Most definately, the answer is "v". I studied this for a long length of time, and many agree that the lack of awareness is the number one factor. How many people do not have a clue to what water recycling is? It is highly economically inclined in the poorest of the statue in that those people are simply not aware. The more aware one becomes, the closer we are to better recycling the water that we drink, and that we all use to bath in and p**p in. All that water is recycled and who knows what was just done with it. GROSS.

  3. i live in connecticut and we have and have always had some of the cleanest water in the U.S. organized wastewater collection is not a problem they call it sewer pipes. major cities and even larger towns are required to clean water before they put it back into the public water supply. why you would think there is a lack of awareness i dont know. the environment is one of the biggest concerns these days. there is really not alot of electricity used. water is cleaned using microbial bacteria and screens. the only thing i would advise people to do is to join the national arbor day foundation. they plant trees all over the country. trees clean the air. when rain falls through air that is clean the water is cleaner. its a cycle that we can have an influence in

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