
The gum around my baby tooth that is loose is swollen and hurts bad and when I try and move it it gets stuck

by  |  earlier

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I have no idea why, I have only moved it around a little bit and my teeth next to it hurt too, like something has been pushing on them and I have a slight fever (98.8) it is not discharging anything though. it has been like this for the last day and a half, why is this?!




  1. You probably got an infection below/around the tooth. Bacteria can work its way between the gum and the tooth.

    I would see a dentist or a doctor, to be safe. They may wnat to pull the tooth and give you antibiotics.

  2. You might have a little food particle stuck in it. Try rinsing with warm salt water. It really works. Also take some aspirin or Advil. Aspirin is the best for tooth pain and Advil is an anti-inflammatory.  

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