
The guy I!?

by  |  earlier

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So two days ago I was texting the guy I like. (Just to let you know he likes me to). He was being all nice but then an hour later he send me a forward text (chain). It said to flash myself then send a picture. I was asking him questions like why me and all this stuff. He said its fun and everyone does it. Of course I didn't do it, I'm going into 7th grade for crying out loud and hes going into 8th. Then I said I'm sorry but I'm not going to do it and he said whatever and got mad. Why did he want a inappropriate picture of me??? He was acting all nice an hour before!

He also said I was the only person he sent the forward to. So confuseddd? Why did he send it to me?!





  2. Well first off, he is not worth it if he was trying to disrespect you and your body..

    if he got mad at you for not "flashing him" then he is definantly not worth it.

    You can  find someone better...

  3. Coz he's a jerk

    At least you've seen his true colours

    Someone can 'like' you - but still treat you like sh*t

    Don't ask me how or why ... It just means theres something wrong with them - but thats their problem - not yours

    Our problem is that we got sucked in by them in the first place ... oh well - you live and learn - try and find better people to like!

    It takes time for them to show their true colours

  4. because he wanted to see you naked, he didn't care what you felt about the situation, he just wanted to to see privates, he probably would of showed his friends, there's a reason for him to be all nicey nice, so that you'll flash in him, trust me guys do that to get what they want, he probably got mad because he must of thought to himself all that sweet guy work for nothing, you were strong enough to be decent and not flash him, so well done to you and i think you should dump this jerk and find someone eles

  5. maybe because he likes you he is trying to get an excuse to talk to you,he probably likes hearing from you so dont get mad at him for a chain mail but i would say no o the inappropriate pic-dont do it!!!

    if you both like each other why dont you make the first move???just an idea

  6. He's a perv, and you're in freaking 7th grade, my sister is in her junior year of highschool and if I found out about this **** I'd break the guy's neck.

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