
The guy who tortured and killed kittens was in the paper and news, but the whole story is even more horrifying

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The animal abuse charges were dropped. Only me and a few people know just how horrific it was. I was the "girlfriend" and walked away. The media just skimmed the surface. Allthough his case is other terrible cases in Utah. There are "puppy mills" and the suffering of farm and circus animals. Animal lovers are my heroes!!!

I am on a road to recovery with the help of a counselor that was sent straight from heaven. I 'm so thankful that this law was passed. I was in the hospital numerous times. I was living in fear. I wasn't stable enough from other traumas yet now my fear is subsiding. Animals are filled with emotions and give love and they are at the mercy of us humans. So I am working through getting will help me also,

I will get it said. Not much will change 4 him, but justice for the next.




  1. How could you walk away?  If you witnessed this act of violence, you need to keep talking and complaining until the authorities put the monster away!

    Don't let their horrific death be meaningless.

  2. I do believe what goes around comes around,and God is watching

  3. You need to be strong

    im sure you are already but read the bible

    mine has a section in the back that tells you where to fing verses that talk about a specific issue

    i was recently betrayed so bad also

    he was a christian leader and got arrested for flashing people and following them

    humans can be cruel and sick

  4. Its a pity the Law cannot chop his hands off. Cruelty in animals, is not warranted in any circumstance and should not be tolerated by the law. They should be punished, and not by just a telling off.. as he will do it again. Some people delight in inflicting this kind of cruelty whether it be man or beast.The penalties do not always fit the crime in this Country. As usual we have Judges who want retiring from their job as half of them do not enforce the law or penalties that go with it.

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