
The habit of selecting the garbage. do you think this should be learnt at school? do you do it?

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The habit of selecting the garbage. do you think this should be learnt at school? do you do it?




  1. I think they teach that in waste management schools, but I doubt it's taught in high school.

    If you want to learn more about garbage & recycling as well as how products naturally decompose, I'm sure you could read up on the subject on the internet or in the library.

  2. I think that schools should recycle and in that way they could teach children about what can and cannot be recycled and it should teach them the negative effects of garbage in landfills and how much could be saved from landfills by recycling and composting. Schools could compost as well. My fiance and I do sort our garbage. We recycle everything that we can and we try to minimize the amount of packaging in products that we purchase. We don't use the plastic bags at the grocery store and we buy from bulk bins using our own containers.

    You can check out more of what we do at our blog

  3. I think Waste Management should be taught in schools and the importance of recycling. This can insure that in the future the kids now will be responsible adults who care for our environment and recycle. Because the lack of the education why to recycle, most people do not recycle because they do not realize the importance. If these educational programs were to be implemented into our schools than our future adults would have been taught this and the majority would recycling overcoming the little who do not.

    I, a recycler, would greatly encourage this because this will save lots of money, protect the enviroment, preserve our resources, and clean up our air, and limit the landfills!

  4. hrm...what a wierd question em i duno as do ou not think the schools teach plenty of things already?! lol

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