
The hardest riddle imaginable!!

by  |  earlier

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A guy was born before his father, killed his mother, and married his sister. Yet, all who knew him considered him perfectly normal. How is that?

P.S - I know the answer, but do you?




  1. is he a priest?

  2. Nobody knows him?

  3. idk but i gave u the first star!

  4. to complete chista's answere..........THEY were from SOUTH.

  5. he's a priest

  6. Is he a priest or pastor?

  7. his father was in front of him, his mother died from giving birth, and he was a priest, and married his sister.


  8. His father watched his birth, He killed his mother during labor and Idk how he married his sister lol. So was I right on any of them?

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