
The history of communication?

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how has communication change? and the impact on human




  1. That's a huge question. Not sure anyone will be able to give you a simple answer. But I can try!

    Communication is as old as human beings. As life. Every living being (aside from plants maybe) communicate with one another and always have. People communicate with one another and always have. Whether it be verbally or nonverbally. Animals communicate with each other-- dogs and cats sniff behinds, insects, fish....

    Human communication has changed and evolved thoughout time. It has changed mostly because of technology. Before people could read and write, they communicated by speaking or by their actions. Then they began to write-- they recorded things and sent letters. Then electronic communication like morse code. Then the telephone and television. Now, we have computers and cell phones, text messaging, email, etc.

    The impact on humans is that it's made us able to communicate without being face to face. We can call someone on the phone, write them a letter, send an email or a text message. The advances in "communication" have taken the human interaction out of things. For example, in an office, people used to get up and go ask a coworker a question. Now, all they have to do is send a quick email for an immediate response. When you wanted to buy a product, you had to go to the store. Now, you can buy just about anything you want without having to get up from your computer or talk to a single human being.

    Is it good? Is it bad? Depends on your personal feelings. Regardless of how you feel about it, communication is far less personal than it has ever been, and I think it's only going to become more so. Less human interaction in the future.

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