
The honeybees are parishing, can you help? Do you have honeybees? Do you like beekeeping?

by Guest57321  |  earlier

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  1. keep honey at that place where u want them to go

    no, i don`t have honeybees

    i don`t like beekeeping rather hate.

  2. Yes, they are dying out in some areas, but are doing ok in others.

    I don't have honeybees as I live in a major city, but if I had some acreage, I would keep them.

    There are wild bees in the city I live in.

    What I do for them is:

    Plant flowering plants in my yard and on my balcony so that they can find food in my neighborhood.

    Encourage my local city council to plant flowers so that both butterflys and bees have places to eat.

    I report bee swarms to bee catchers instead of the city.  Bee Catchers will take the swarm somewhere else that it can live - the city has to kill the swarm.

  3. Bee colonies across North America are simply vanishing.  Keepers are opening up their hives to find them empty and abandon -- with no clue as the what happened to the bees.

    This is putting more than just a strain on the honey industry.  Countless farms and orchards across the country count on bee populations to pollinate orchard trees and crops.  The issue has generated enough concern that a Congressional hearing was recently held on the matter.

    Over 90 crops in North America depend on bees to induce pollination.  This means over 1/3 of the average American diet  (ironically the healthiest part) is directly or indirectly tied to bee pollination.  Thus bees account for the production of about $14 billion in agricultural goods.

    Scientists are struggle to understand what's happening.  They've labeled the problem "Colony Collapse Disorder".  The trouble could possibly be tied to cell phones and cell phone towers.

    One beekeeper in Illinois started the year with 1,500 colonies.  He now only has 500 and the bee numbers in the remaining colonies are dropping.

    We have a honey bee hive in our back woods near the cemetery we border on.  It seems to be doing fine.

    I enjoy watching them, but find that the best thing I can do for them is leave them alone.

    Hopefully science will find a means to help the bees and get this situation turned around.

  4. bees are good at producing honey that people use, can't see why so many people are killing them with poisons and sprays and c**p like that, just don't buy those products maybe become a beekeeper. :D

  5. parishing or perishing? btf218 statement about cell signals could have impacts. What honeybees are you particular about, the cultured or the wild? If cultured, some new strains in some areas may have conflict with them, or other predators must be prevalent, not considering pesticides. If you're a beekeeper, you  ought to know before hand if the areas you intend to gather nectar have not been sprayed. That's mostly the main reason in a high death rate.

  6. There are plenty of beekeepers set up; that's not the problem. They're still not sure why they're dropped off at an alarming rate. One theory is the popular use of cell phones interferring with the bee's homing instincts. Another is a relatively new pesticide(s).

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