
The horrible 2WW strikes again?

by  |  earlier

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I am just trying to keep my mind on anything other then the 2ww. I am half way through and it's driving me crazy.

I spose this isn't a questions, but just needed to share my frustrations.

Baby dust to us ALL!!!




  1. im on the 2ww with u hunni and i got a week to go aswell baby dust for us both

  2. Yeah, ttc 14 months.....took clomid and hcg inhection this month. Today was 14 days from the injection and we were told we could test today, negative! =(

    So now, I am wondering if I am just waiting to get my period, or if it was too soon to test. I HATE waiting!

    GOOD LUCK! The TWW is HORRIBLE! Complain Anytime! We all need support!

    BABY DUST TO ALL!!!!!!!!

  3. every month its the two week wait and god you just want to scream. here is a question how many people pace the floor and how many have a nervous tick when waiting forr the test

    ? i am always like going crazy and the test seems to take forever each month

  4. Wish I was in the 2ww with you, but I'm still waiting to see if I'll even ovulate and grrrrr I hate this wait worse then the 2ww which is more the 2weeks for me due to longer luteal phase lol.

    but anywho, just wanted to wish you well and sending lotsa babydust yourway.

  5. Beck, I am with you in the 2WW.  I am currently 4 dpo, and counting.  Last cycle I had an early miscarriage at 5 weeks, so I am hoping to get another BFP this month.  My cycles are really long, and because of the miscarriage, I didn't ovulate until cycle day 29 this month!  So it's a long cycle this time around.  

    Goodluck to you and I hope you get your BFP!

  6. i dont know what 2ww is

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