
The horse i ride is really high strong when on the groud when rding her she is fine... and acts perfect.......

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so my question is how do get her to respect me and she is mean sometimes when you give here treats and this other horse wont let you get near her dish feed dish when you feed her.... if this helps they are both tb mares




  1. try parelli, its expensive but defineatly worthwhile. If you dont want to spend the money, find someone who has some sets you can borrow. Ground manners are normally the foundation for good riding, but it happens. Try picking up her feet, if they dont let you pick up their feet, it means they dont respect you. thats a pretty good judge to respect [how long it take to pick up their feet]... i was told to ensure a horse listens well in a class to pick up all four feets and hold them for a second... then they remember they respect you.

  2. She respects you in the saddle...but not on the ground.

    Do alot of groundwork...establishing that YOU are the boss on the ground.

    And STOP feeding treats!  Especially if she is misbehaving!  The treat is rewarding her for her dominant behavior over you.  Force the horse away from you.  With waving hands, aggressive body language and voice.  Drive her off until she can respect your space.  Do not excuse or put up with the behavior.  It will get worse.  They are not HER treats...they are YOURS, and you are allowing her to eat them.

    Same dominance problem with the horse who won't let you near HER food.  It's not's YOURS.  You are just allowing her to eat it.  Drive the horse away from the food.  If she acts respectful..allow her to eat.  Same as a dominant horse would in the 'herd.'

    Use your body language, voice, and groundwork to establish that you are the boss ALL the time.

  3. My OTTB gelding trys to walk ahead of me on the ground too but under saddle he is a gentleman usually. I just started working alot with him on ground manners like leading him beside me then halting and asking him to back a few steps to get him to respect me, also by taking him out to grass and not allowing him to eat until I SAY SO. Sometimes i make him wait up to 5 minutes to teach him patience. You have to be consistent and not let your horse ever get away with acting like a jerk on the ground, or they will do it every time they can.

  4. I have the same problem with my mare. She refuses to be lead, but once ur on her, shes perfect. mine is a twh mare. She chases my 2 geldings away from there food and she if very aggressive to them. She respects me, but she gets irritated with me on the ground. Unlike a lot of other horses, when you whip her, she doesn't get scared or bolt. she does what shes told.

    keep a small switch with you and whenever either mares give you trouble, just raise it up and they should back down.

    if they start to act up, tug down on the lead rope to make sure you have their attention.

    i hope i helped you some!

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