
The human race is doomed! There's no way we will stop global warming! What do you think?

by Guest44767  |  earlier

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The human race is doomed! There's no way we will stop global warming! What do you think?




  1. pass me a razor blade, lets get it iver quickly.

  2. Sorry you'll have to do better than that.  I suggest you take a course in geology and another in human evolution.  We humans have been around, in our present form, about a million years.  Humans have managed to survive all types of disasters including ice ages and global warming.  If humanity truly wanted to do something to better its chance of survival then just stop having babies.

  3. From the moment anything or anyone is created, to die from that point on is inevitable.  For whatever reason.

  4. i'm not so sure, now that we know about it we are trying harder and im sure that someone will invent somthing in the near future to stop it

  5. Even if the ice caps completely melted there would still be enough land for the race to continue so don't give up yet.

  6. Yes it's true.  But that's evolution.  Less big wars, better medical care, growing population.  Lack of water and oil for industry will start wars.  Then when we've gone another species will rise to take over in a million years or so.  Sounds grim but what else can anyone foresee?

  7. Yes i agree there is an aura of doom & gloom around

  8. sorry dude, even without our pollution you can't STOP global warming. Us humans think we are so powerful, but in reality we are at the mercy of nature, not the other way around. can't stop the world from spinning and can't stop global warming. You know global cooling would be bad as well for us, got to have one or the other at one time or another, it's just the way our planet is. It was never built to sustain life for very long (in geologic time). but don't worry, we'll probably be around for 100's to 1,0000 of years before the next extinction. and who knows, maybe our technology will prevent our extinction, I doubt it will be the cause.

    oh, and if the polar caps completly melted, the ocean would become stagnet and too low in salinity levels, which would cause an extinction, but that won't happen for a very, very long time.

  9. Global warming is a big con to condition us into accepting draconian new laws and taxes that they want to put upon us. And even if what they say is true, the ones preaching to us about how we must live are the biggest culprits anyway (flying everywhere by jet etc)..

    It's all a big con

  10. I'm sick of hearing about it to be honest.

  11. Global warming is a natural event. Humans account for 2% of the pollution on Earth, which is significant. We wouldn't be here today if the world did not warm up a couple degrees because of global warming in the past.

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