
The human race.?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike they have us belive we humans started off as little lizard

type creatures in the sea etc..etc..

what id like to know is what do we finish as?.

p.s and why if its explanatory!




  1. We finish this life as dust.

    For now, no human knows precisely what man came from. There is speculation on many fronts, but so what. In the long run it doesn't matter.

    Maybe one day in the distant future, we will be slugs. Our fate depends on how we use what we have.

  2. The change as a race goes won't show up for so many years that when it happens  nobody will notice because everyone will think it normal  we as in one another it is all up to each one of us how we end up

  3. theres no such think as the human race..      

    we are a species

  4. Hi,

    Do you really believe that we just crawled out of a swamp?? either you learn the truth or you stay in the mushroom mode. The human body is a very intricate CREATION... Think about it...if we came from evolution....we would most assuredly have proof of a throw back , meaning someone with gills and we both know that is sci-fi,, right? Don't want to make you stray, but  just try reading the Bible one time....eventually you will learn the truth.

    Hope this helps.

    T.C. Rose

  5. my religion refuses to let me answer this question!

    but im giving you a star for a very interesting point (can i have 10 points back hehe)

  6. Here is what I learned as a child and it still seems appropriate today:

    The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out,

    the worms play pinochle on your snout,

    your stomach turns a slimey green,

    and puss comes out like whipping cream,

    and me without a spoon.

  7. We actually started off as primordial slime.  All life on Earth began as simple self-replicating molecules hanging out in some ooze.  What'll we finish as?  Well, evolution doesn't have a direction.  We're not the most highly-evolved on the planet, because there's no ranking.  Yeah, we talk a good game, but that doesn't matter too much.  If intelligence were necessary for evolution, there'd be more talking and fewer bacteria.  As it is right now, we're not evolving all that fast because we are able to change our environment to suit us.  If we manage to keep our civilization going, we may not look terribly different thousands of years from now.  If civilization collapses and the planet changes enough, we'll experience increased evolutionary pressures and certainly change.  Into what, who knows?
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