
The idea of gods/goddesses...?

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how did this original idea of something better than them, i.e. (supreme beings) come to enter the minds of humans?




  1. When they couldn't explain somethings that happened .

    Also when fear of death factors in it is "comforting"

  2. FROM THE BIBLE WHICH IS GODS honest truth...

    Before that from God Himself in Eden..

  3. They used gods and goddesses to explain the things they didn't understand  

  4. Every time the sun rose as ancient pre-historic man watched.  All religion stems from sun worship.  The christian faith turned it into "son" worship and we've been screwed ever since.

  5. I think it was a greek thing for the gods/goddesses

    as far as supreme beings or higher power  I don't know for sure but I believe that evolved from people who felt uncomfortable identifying who they worship or reverence... they didn't like the God of the Bible so they felt better saying it that is also another way to respect all religions if you are in a group of people that are different in that way it calls respect to all belief.

  6. Perhaps when they were trying to control things which were beyond their control... Perhaps they made up gods to represent those things -- rain, crops, the sea, the game they were hunting -- that they wanted to control and by sacrificing to the god, they tried to assure themselves that the crops would grow, the hunt would be productive...

  7. They couldn't account for the voices in their head. They also needed explanations about their surroundings.

  8. Well, the fact is we needed something to blame for all the things we didn't know or misunderstood.  

    We can't blame everything on the dog you know!

  9. Pattern recognition. Human mind is very apt in making out patterns in apparently random sequences. This pattern is then interpreted as being somehow meaningful, and indicative of some intelligence which created it. From there, it's just a hopscotch to claiming this intelligence is God.

  10. No such thing as "gods" or "goddesses."

    There is but ONE true God and He has revealed Himself in His Word. He also came to die for the sins of all mankind.

    ALL other "gods" are but cheap "imitations" and have NO power to save anyone from h**l or to reconcile them to their Creator.

  11. Experience, perhaps?  Jsut because you have never seen evidence of the divine does not mean everyone else who claims such is lying or deranged.

  12. Not sure where you got the idea that the gods invented by people are better than the people who invented them. The god embraced by Judaism and Christianity, for example, is very human, with most of the faults and imperfections of human beings.

    I believe gods were invented by people who felt helpless. They were at the mercy of the forces of nature and gave those qualities a humanish form and prayed to them for help and protection.

  13. It was made up by man to keep the human race in check. People are like sheep, they need something to follow and to look up to. The fear of something that is higher than them and has control over them and will reward them after death, can control them. And it works so well, because God is the unknown, and people fear the unknown over anything else.

  14. The first mind began looking all around and analyzing each event as day, night, rain, the sun, the moon, stars, the death... All that was too far from what they could manage. A supreme creator must control everything was the first idea... very natural.

  15. One look at the starry night sky tells us in our heart that something bigger than us is in charge.

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