My husband and I are only beginning to look into adopting a child. We have one biological one already who is a great joy in our lives. We are both young and healthy and could have more children but ever since I gave birth I've been tormented by the thought that there are babies out there who were abandoned and have no mother to love them.
We both decided we wanted to reach out to one of these little angels who are no less precious than our own.
However, we have so many concerns. I.e Should we seek to have an open adoption so that the child can know his/her mother, at what age should we tell the child he/she was adopted? When should we tell our biological child?
We were thinking of raising them both with the idea that one of them was given to us by God in one way and one in another but that ultimately there's no real difference between them.
For those who have been adopted, what would your ideal scenario have been (or as close to it as possible)?