
The importance of 4S in Golf

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The importance of 4S in Golf
To label oneself as a proficient golf player, it is not just the necessary apparatus that plays an integral role but more important than that is to maintain and adhere to the important techniques that need to be kept in mind while preparing oneself before
making the shot.
Experts have titled it as the ‘4S strategy’. With the help of this strategy they have termed swing speed and swing strength as vital components and variables as the pre-requisites that can help an amateur golfer mature his game.
Thinking as analytically as possible, one can easily understand that swing strength is positively correlated to swing speed or vice versa.
The more strength a golfer applies while making impact with the ball, the greater is the projected distance it is anticipated to make.
The same procedure can be said to apply otherwise. However, at the amateur stage golf players are usually confronted with various problems that are related to their proper setting of the club or the way they make impact with the ball.
In the presence of either defect or flaw, the end result is observed in the form of poor scoring, accompanied with inappropriate shot selection and evaluation.
When trying to master the skill and combination of swing strength and speed many golfers look into the wrong places where they waste more of their time, concentrating on areas that prove to be of no help to them in their long term golfing careers.
They fail to realise that actually the secret of making swings that can score is quite simple.
All they need to understand is the secret through which they can mould their engine to drive them in the direction they like.
By the engine, it is the human body that is being addressed. Initially what is important to understand is that, as a golf athlete, it is crucial to practice and execute exercises through the help of which optimal performance can easily be maintained.
There are various exercises that can be used for improving golf swing. One of the ways through which this can easily be done is by the help of the exercise commonly termed as the ‘Lunge with a Twist’ exercise.
The crux of the exercise involves a combination of the power of your lower body, along with the proper rotational movement of the body required for the boost in making maximum golf swing speed.
Lunge with a Twist can easily be performed by assuming to be in a standing position with your arms straight and hold your medicine ball.
As you move forward rotate your body in the same direction. Return to the initial position and repeat the procedure with the opposite leg.
Repeat the procedure 10 times a day. In addition to this there are also exercises that have been devised by expert golf athletes to enhance swing strength.
Most of these exercises accentuate on strengthening the hips and the lower parts of the body. As a result, they produce greater flexibility in the body while it undergoes rotation when making the shot.
With the help of these exercises, known as the Goblet Squat, backswing and downswing phases of the body are much more convenient to perform as they enable the body to effectively perform the ‘rubber band effect’ while making impact.
Along with this, another prominent exercise for the lower parts of the body is Plyometric exercise that helps in increasing the amount of force production produced primarily in the lower region of the body.
Since both factors share a symbiotic relationship it is important for a golfer to concentrate on either aspect if he or she is really interested in improving his/her game on a professional scale.



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