
The importance of electronic display in aviation?

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The importance of electronic display in aviation?




  1. Was that a question?

    If you are asking our OPINION on electronic displays in aviation - then I will say that over 100 years have passed with aircraft flying through the air without electronic displays.

    They are the NEWEST development - but an airplane can fly perfectly well using old technology.

    Depends on what type of flying you propose to do.

  2. They are pretty pictures of what we've been looking at for a century. The pilots  growing up with this stuff today will do a better and  safer job than we did with alot fewer skills than we had. Or to be fair I should say "different" skills than we had.  And of course eventually the best pilot will be no pilot at all. Let the bird  fly itself.

  3. This electronic display or "glass cockpit" or "all lights out philosophy," is the product of modernization with safety in mind. They say some lights are more of a nuisance than a help to crew so they invented the lights out philosophy, a dark cockpit with minimum integral lighting is a good trouble free aircraft and when fault arises the faulty system illuminates and the crew just switch off the faulty system. Both the Navigational Display and the Primary Display aids the crew at a glance the whole system can be seen at a glance just by merely "changing channel" each system that is being use in flight is there for viewing.

  4. Electronics have the importance in aviation to put the normal "steam gauges" in digital form to make it more organized. The gauges are packed in to a digital display so you can basically see all the gauges at once. Also, the GPS is much better than VOR because it shows the airports, the altitude of them, and many other features. But don't forget that the master electronics can fail and steam gauges will be used for emergencies.

  5. Simple, less wiring, less mechanical parts to break down. Take my word for it, and I've been working avionics for 34 years now. If the electronic display is reliable, then it's the only way to go.

    Now in a sports car, totally different.

  6. their not.....back in the day pilots would only fly with 10 you have all this fancy stuff.....look at the 727 compared to the a320..Pilots had no trouble flying the 727 747-200 or older cockpits.

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