
The inherited wealth from his 2nd wife allows McCain to wear $520 shoes and own more homes than ke can keep..?

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track of. He lives in luxury off of Cindy's inherited beer bullions.

When McCain says Americans won't pick lettuce for $50 an hour, is he talking about Americans, or it he talking about just himself?

Video of his comment:




  1. Did you have the same issues with John Kerry? his wife is worth $750,000,000.00

  2. Funny how once upon a time a $400 hair cut was okie dokie with the Left...Gotcha ; )

  3. I actually don't care how much his shoes cost or how many homes he owns but McCain is such a hypocrite.  He had the nerve to call Obama an elitist and then couldn't remember how many homes he owns.  McCain is ridiculous.

  4. I would totally pick lettuce for $50 an hour.  wow.. that would be so awesome.

  5. This is why I never bother to argue politics with a liberal.  They never can focus on real issues.  McCain and Obama are both very rich men.  Are you trying to infer that McCain is more evil because he made better life choices than Obama?  Call me silly but I think that means that McCain is the better choice because he makes better choices.

  6. Jealous much? Is it a crime to have things?

  7. Weren't the Dems upset when the Reps continually brought up how Kerry was living off the wealth of his second wife?  And how about Edwards' $400 haircuts?

    I see it's okay for you guys to stoop to that level now.

    Most of the upper level politicians are rich, so stop selectively pointing your finger at one candidate or one party.

  8. You forgot that someone did work for that money. How stupid of you..if you spent your time working as hard as you gripe maybe you'd get somewhere, too.

    Why are libs so jealous?

  9. No doubt about it....McCain is a 'kept' man.  

  10. first off, no one is going to pay $50 an hour to pick lettuce, and secondly, even an employer did, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he had a hard time finding any takers.

  11. Well at least he isn't living off the wealth of an indicted, soon to be convicted, slumlord from Chicago. Obama sure has a lot of interesting friends. I'm really excited to see what happens when he gets the White House. His blatant criminality and racism should make for a very exciting 4 years. Second term of Carter? No way! This is going to be much better than that!

  12. Why is that a problem for you? Really? I don't get it. I see people becoming more and more materialistic now, but they knock McCain for wearing good shoes. Seriously, this is silly. If I could afford $500 shoes, I'd wear them, too.

    Face it, there are no poor men running for president and there >never will be<.

    As far as saying people won't pick lettuce for $50 an hour, I say show me where it is. I'll pick it. It isn't true that Americans won't do certain jobs. That's the battle cry of those who are pro-illegal alien. There is someone out there for every job.

    edit: Libs say they're so accepting, but they have a problem with someone making money from their beer company? Why is that a bad thing?  Here's my elementary understanding of business: Making money = good. Losing money = bad.

  13. okay....we'll add you to the list of people obviously not thrilled with Biden...

  14. You're atypical liberal who hates this country and capitalism.  

  15. No worse than Michelle Obama making money for her business by turning away those without money.

  16. So....McCain's wife is rich. How is this a big deal? Besides, somehow I think being a POW in Vietnam is a lot harder than picking lettuce.

  17. Hmm, $50 an hour for picking lettuce is pretty good.  fresh air, nice exercise plus I could listen to the iPod all day at work....

    i think many folks would opt for $100,000/year for lettuce picking...

  18. Yeah, and his supporters have the nerve to call Obama elitist.  

    Edit:  Understand, I'm a liberal (which does NOT mean anti-capitalist, by the way.  Get a dictionary.)  

    The McCains can (and maybe do) have gold-plated toilets, for all I care.  It won't change my life one way or the other.  BUT, you cannot then call Obama elitist.   It's hypocritical, not that this seems to bother most right-wingers.

  19. He is talking about himself and his $5 million/year "middle class" friends!

  20. Looking through your RANT and the only question I can find to answer is.......yes.  McCain probably owns nicer shoes than you do.

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