
The inner sides of my knees hurt?

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Okay I am in Cross Country and for a week Saturday my knees have been hurting (its mainly the side of my knees : heres a picture to help you.

(these aren't my knees, just random pic.)

I woke up Saturday with my legs feeling really stiff and it hurt to bend them.

Everyday I have to run and when i first get running i am limping ( my right knee hurts worse than my left] and then after 5 minutes of running my whole knee is hurting. My knees aren't swollen tho.

Some information about me:

I'm not overweight

I'm in my teens

this has never happened before

if you need more just tell me and I will add it

I can walk on it and i feel barely any pain but if i start jogging slow it hurts a lot.

-could i have pulled something? or am i just sore?

I am going to talk to my coach tomorrow but i just want others opinions.

please and thank-you

p.s. please just don't say go to a doctor, because if its hurting for another week I most likely am going to go see one.




  1. You are not in any true danger or anything.  I was an athletic trainer and people would come in with this symptom all the time.  It is most likely your medial colateral ligament that is hurting (MCL) and it is not pulled or torn or anything like that.  You are simply just working it too much or more than it is used to.  This happens to people who are growing and who have not run that much in a while, or it could just be simply because you are growing an the ligament is stretching.  I reccomend using a heating pad before running and then icing it for 15 min after your workouts.  If that doesnt help then ask a trainer.

  2. talk to your coach and see a doctor.

  3. omfgg! my hurt like that too!

    except i do basketball.

    and now since i never really got it looked at they still hurt randomly like right now.

    get a knee braces with metal strips down the side for support!

    it helps.

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