
The intel briefing cover that said OBL intends to attack the USA, where can I see it

by  |  earlier

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the pre 9/11 brief that had the world trade center on the cover




  1. You do not have the proper security clearance to see it.

  2. Yes they were giving those reports since 96 but Clintion chose to ingore them......1 was sent to Bush 3 months before the attack but he ingored it to so if you ask me Clintion is mroe to blame he was getting reports as early as 96 be he ingored them for 5 years Bush only ingored it for one year

  3. The intel brief that was given to Clinton made a point of talking about using airliners in suicide attacks against targets in America. The one Clinton gave to Bush had carefully removed all menction of that tactic. I guess Clinton didn't think it could happen.  

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