I have three people in my life right now who do not breath when they talk (you know the type?).
When I am on the phone with them, it's like I can't even answer a question without being interrupted. I like all three of them (one of them is my sister-in-law), and i have evaluated the situation to see if it might be me (I am the common denominator, ya know?), but I will listen intently to each of them, and then I will gently ease into speaking whether it be stating an opinion, answering a question and/or whatever it may be, and low and behold, she (all three of them will do this) will interrupt me. I sometimes just HOLD THE PHONE without talking .. adn then one of them will say "are you there?" And I'll say, "Oh yes, I am I was just listening... " And then they start up again (it' slike they don't get it). One of them in particular never wants to hear "my" stories, but she will GO ON AND ON AN ON about one of her stories... how does one handle this (gently)?