Here is my plan for the USA to invade Canada. I think it would work out very well. The black squares are the starting points.
1. The Americans gain control on the great lakes.
2. The group leaving from New York, goes up, takes Montreal, and loops around surrounding the Canadian army in lower Ontario.
3. The other two groups, attacking from the Buffalo area and the Detroit area, will destroy the rements of the Canadian Army.
4. Two other groups will attack, for diversions. One will go and capture Vancover, blocking off the pacific coast for trade fo Canada.
5. The area shaded in gray will be taken within a few months, and it contains most of the canadian population.
6. Because almost all of the canadian population will be under American control, the rest of the country will fall fairly easily.
7. The USA will annex Canada, making states out of it.
What do you think of my plan? If it were put into actoin, would it succed? Canadians are really annoyying.