
The issue of conformity?

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Why do we allow ourselves to be influenced by the steriotypes that surround us?

Why are we so afraid of what people think of us that we feel the need to change ourselves to fit the mold of normality that society has created.

Today i was having a conversation with my mum which involved her alluding to the fact that my skin is too white, my hair too dark and my body too large.

In comparison to what, may i ask?

We acknowledge the fact that we are influenced by social steriotypes, yet we do not posess the moral integrity to triumph over adversity and abandon the dated beliefs that have been enscribed into modern society throughout the ages.

What has the world come to?/




  1. "why are we so afraid of what people think of us that we feel the need to change ourselves to fit the mold of normality that society has created[?]"

    If you are interested in this question, you should read a book by psychologist Erich Fromm titled "Escape From Freedom" because he talks about this question.  He (a German Jew) wrote the book to provide a psychological explanation of why some German people would voluntarily give up some of their freedom for fascism (of course not all Germans went along with the n***s, and many were too frightened to speak out, but some legitimately supported the party at the expense of their civil liberties)

    Anyways, to paraphrase Fromm's argument about the conformity question is that it's one of three responses to what he feels is our biggest fear, that is our fear of alienation.  He says that with the freedom granted us in the post-industrial age, we must become individuals, and the main part of growing up is to become an independent human being.  This grants you freedom that was unheard of long the feudal ages for example...but this ability to create an identity also carries the fear of isolating yourself from others.  Fromm says there are three ways people cope with this fear of alienation: 1. the Authoritarian Character, 2. The Destructive Character, and 3. The Conformist (automaton conformity).

    I could go into detail about these three, but it's better if you just read the book.

  2. I don't think it is what we have become.  I believe it is a throwback to times where we conformed in order to be part of (and protected by) a larger community.  It's still true today - consider how non-conformists around you are treated.

  3. its the way the media portray women to be you must be slim or size zero first of all to be considered for modeling.

    maybe someday this society will change, but I would say that conformists are more present in the societies that make beauty fit into a box that not every once can come into.

  4. It has come to television.

  5. If you like the way you look, then that's pretty much what matters. If not, looks are easier to change than a lot of other things.

    Additionally, if you are abandoning the dated beliefs then keep it up. It isn't something you should have to think about though. Just live how you want to live, look how you want to look, and the dated beliefs will cease affecting you.

    Also, it's "Stereotype."

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