
The issue of safety in my house?

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hi there

I am getting the feeling that my house is no longer safe to stay in. I had someone kknocking on the door just about 20 minutes ago i dint answer it but it is causing me a real cause for concern.

Its just that my mum has recently left hospital and i dont want to stress here out with this problem.

So what do i do? There is a house next door to us and it got broken in yesterday afternoon.

I have applied for a transfer but i am worried about staying here any longer.

I would like to call the police but the thing is my neighbour threanted me a few times.

I feel like i am being singled out here because there is no man in the house.

So what do i do?

I have told the police this problem but they dont seem to care




  1. first try to get out and move some place else, or with relatives until you and your mom find something more suitable. no one should have to live in fear. don't risk your life, as soon as your mom gets better you should seriously think about moving. that is harassment if the neighbors are threatening you. your life is worth more than that. so think about it. better safe than sorry. when you call the police you should do it anoumously. try to get in at a decent time. protect you and your mother as much as you can. and if you do not know who it is that is knocking on your door. do not open it. please be safe, and you take care, god vless you.

  2. I am afraid this happens a lot but if it happened to me I would install security locks on all windows and doors. Keep my phone next to my bed.  Also for knocks at the door late at night tape a dog barking and play it loudly! If it was a friend needing you they would phone first so never open the door!

    Contact citizens advice about troublesome neighbours they might be able to help with the transfer.

  3. Tell the television stations, they love topics like this, and this will put police under pressure. Not mean to pick on police, there are good ones and bad ones, perhaps you have met the bad ones.

    Tell magazines, newspapers and whatever media you can establish contact with. I mean, why would you stay calm when your neighbour (eh not me) is threatening you as well as the thieves? If someone broke in I am sure your mum will be more worried, bring it to media and everyone's attention

    Get a couple friends to live with you, 5 at least. And try to find some good neighbours if there's any. I build really good relationships with my neighbours, last time they broke into my house to turn off my stove so the house doesn't get burnt down! (It's true)

    But from what I am seeing, your neighbourhood doesn't look too friendly. Try to switch to somewhere livable as soon as possible.

    Or you can move into a friend's house before the transfer is done. I wouldn't live there if I were you.


    In addition to that..

    Seriously, move into a friend's house with your mum until the transfer happens, from your situation I can see the house is almost good as nothing.

    Since you are in line for transfer, I don't know how long it will take, but if it's more than 12 hours, I woudn't consider staying no matter what.

    If you are really worried about your mum, move out before the transfer.

  4. Half a story here.   I hate half a story.   Why din't you answer the door.   That don't sound normal.     It makes the place seem empty.  People break in to empty places because no one will confront them.

    2)Why has the neighbor threatened you.  Don't you get along with your neighbor?  Did you do something to rile the neighbor?

      3)  No man in the house.  Many a man is off in Iraq. so many households are in the same situation.   They are not fighting with the neighbors, nor is the neighbors threatening them

    I don't believe you.  

    Case dismissed.

  5. Security Locks and an alarm system are in order for your piece of mind.

  6. Gather up a "Community Watch" in the neighborhood, if no-one is willing to participate, then maybe its time to move or buy a gun for the house.

    Usually houses with a sticker with a man in all black that says Community watch show theres a organization in your area, talk to them about getting your own sticker. =] Makes criminals think twice because your house is being watched by your community.

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