
The judge says that I have to do 40 hours of community service. Can anyone tell me where to go to do this?

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I don't like to be in the sun and I don't like children and I would prefer to work for someone who accepts favors (you know what I am talking about ::wink:::) in lieu of an hour or two..any suggestions?




  1. Where do you live?  I run a charity...

  2. let me get your favor so that both me and you will be happy forever ........... go ahead

  3. Food bank .


  4. You are gonna love this.....My ex did his 40 hours of community service for his DUI by working as the bar back in the VFW.  What the F- was that judge thinking?  Call around to the veteran groups....they might have something for you that is indoors.

  5. homeless shelter

  6. If you have a probation officer ask him/her. Food bank/kitchen is one possibility. Working in an animal shelter is another. I would forget the favor idea.

  7. try the local mission serving lunch or volunteer at a home for female alcoholics

  8. Iraq

  9. If you're not just a troll.....get your probation officer's approval before doing any community service.  Otherwise, it may not count.

    It's not about what you like or dislike.  You don't always get to pick what you want.  It's supposed to be a punishment!

  10. gift shop of a hospital - easy, i did it hungover

  11. I hear that a stint  at the downtown Methadone clinic would fit the bill. They are  always looking for candy stripers and really are low on volunteers at this time...

    Good luck to you dear...

  12. An elderly home.  

    Preferably one with little supervision.

  13. Honey, I know just the man you're looking for.

    Meet me in the Grotto on Saturday.

  14. I hear there's a great frat house at Duke University.....

  15. Stop being lazy and do what the judge ordered.  It might do you some good to pick up garbage at the park for a few hours.

  16. Do as you’ve been instructed, and stop trying to weasel out of it. Performing community service with a contrite heart might be good for you.

    Consider what several other posters have suggested and try a homeless shelter. You can do low-impact work and meet a lot of interesting people.

  17. Special favors, I don't think so.I guess you are getting what you deserve.Try doing things honestly and maybe your life will be better.

  18. You need to first speak with whomever supervises community work service in the county you were supervised (mostly likely, it is someone in the probation/parole department).  Each county has their own rules as far as where you can do your CWS and where you cannot do it.  For example, in the probation/parole department I used to work in, it had to be with a non-profit.  At one point, they were allowing people to knit, sew, woodwork, crochet, etc. for CWS credit.

    Once you find out the rules and regulations, you'll have a better idea of where you can and cannot do your hours.  They may also have lists of places that will accept people performing CWS; not all places accept CWS workers.  I know local non-profit thrift stores were very popular places to do CWS work in the county I worked for.

  19. ooooooh did they catch you eating a babby or kicking a puppy? anyway just help out at the soup kitchen or work at a nursing home :)

  20. If you're in Nevada, you might could get in some tourist "welcoming committee" stuff at the Chicken Ranch.

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