
The judge who investigates videotaped interrogation of the

by  |  10 years, 12 month(s) ago

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Al Urdangarin case you've encountered an unexpected hijuela does not affect the instruction of the court case: there is a video pirate, a recording of the statement of the Infanta before the judge. It's a sneaky, illegal audiovisual testimony because the instructor, José Castro, expressly forbade the making of images or sound evidence and only recorded for the record the voice of the accused, at its request.

The huge security device deployed by the Ministry of Interior (over 200 agents) failed. At the entrance there were metal detectors and X -ray tunnel and personal records and inspections you performed. Police issued frequencies to interfere and made sweeping technological communications and tracking dogs in the court building. Security guards and national police searched bags and reached up to remove the pen from the prosecutor, Pedro Horrach in search of cameras and microphones. A female staff judge them keychains court examined, weighed folders glasses cases.

The identity of the author of the recording or the system that was used is unknown. One or more persons to the police investigation by order of the chief judge can be held liable for crimes of disobedience and revealing secrets. On -line camera is supposed to act the spy device from the second row of the bench of the courtroom. In that area there were fifteen lawyers personates ten officers and prosecutor. On the stage and on the sides, 12 more people.

The two bodyguards of the princess, who missed nothing, watched over their safety for seven hours, he given five bottles of water, no one cared to use his exclusive and sought him a snack for lunch.

The piece of hidden camera has very poor images with blurred figures and the responses of the princess as little audible requiring captioning. In them, the Infanta answered " do not remember ", " I do not know the mechanics," " I do not remember " or "I do not remember anything " to the judge's questions. The newspaper El Mundo published on Sunday a frozen video uploaded image on Wouzee platform; newspaper's website later linked the signal and set the words of the judge and the Infanta.

Judge Castro, that was not breached his restraining order, ordered anyone to enter the courthouse with telephone handsets, tablets, laptops "or any other suitable device for capturing images or sounds."

This is what you hear in the video:

Judge: Before getting to bed, I could tell how many foundations and nonprofit organizations have you belonged?

Infanta: do not remember

J. Vowel?... Board president?

I. I have been president of honor

J. And how many shares have you been involved before marriage?

I. In any

J. None. You, if I remember correctly, marries Mr. Urdangarin the October 1997. You should know that to be a corporation with her husband in fact there is clear and unmistakable right that will enter the money in that society is of the two, right?

I. I do not know the mechanics

J. The company 50 % of the money is entered seems obvious that half belongs to you and half belongs to Mr. Urdangarin.El social objective [... ] was the technical advice in the development of projects for the organization and promotion of sports and cultural events, public relations and technical advice on international cooperation projects Do you remember if this was the social object?

I. I do not remember

J. But remember that it could be someone else?

I. I do not remember anything

J. Well Can you tell us for what purpose Namasté 97 created?

I. I do not remember, I do not know.

J. Now what is being displayed is a document which states that there is an account in the account and include 16 transfers made between 28 December and 31 July for a total amount of 237,898 euros with eight cents. Then there is another transfer in favor of her husband and as an individual for 159,623 euros. You have the right to refuse, and I will repeat it several times, to refuse to answer the questions you want. Revenues obtained or that her husband was going to get it then got Mixta Africa, Altadis and Steel Bergara were these other income and the same dye which would be channeled through Aizoon? Would you communicate to attracting new customers Aizoon?

I. not

J. Do you see it really well in the screen?

I. yes

J. Here is another email from Mr. Urdangarin led Mr. GarcÃ_a Revenga, is a card that reads " Give a copy to Cristina for me." This is not wrong, but to say that you had a communicative fluid. [ Email continues: ] "I take it you're connected to send a communication NÃ_os I plan to send, there are two versions, (I do not take a hard) read it and tell me what you think." You have received this email?...

 Tags: interrogation, investigates, judge, videotaped


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