
The king and his pawns. Not again?

by Guest21497  |  earlier

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Please close the door behind you

I know..I invited you in

But, you're just too much for me

Please put that mirror down

Where did they come from

This is not fair. How can I defend myself against myself. A solo chess match.

Check out is easier than checkmate.




  1. I like the poem, I am still trying to figure all parts out--What I get out of it and I am probably far off is invited in people to really know who you are, but in doing so you are judged and opens up insecurities, because before long people are putting a mirror to you having you explain who you are and no one wants to have to face there own demons, that they hide so deep inside so its best just to end it before they take over

  2. Does this refer to you being Invited in?

    Or some,one you Invited?

    Either way,It would still make a lot of sense.

    I Liked the Mirror, and checkout part!

    I can Very Much Relate to this!

    Thankyou,Sir for sharing!

  3. Oh that was good , nothing like inviting someone to play chess with you and they beat your a--!  So yeah on the way out shut the door--I got such a chuckle out of it! Or even to play it on the Internet and the computer wins!!  Great poem, and good laugh, thanks for sharing!!! Cheers !!!

  4. I really liked how you made me stop and think not many people can do that to me

    Loved it

  5. I tried "playing myself" when I first learned chess.  It was an impossible situation - no matter what strategy - I came up with - my opponent was always warned.  Nothing went the way I planed. It is far easier in the days of the computer.  At least, you have an opponent that doesn't know what you are thinking ♥

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