
The kite runner Journal?

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I have to do a journal entry for the kite runner , And I don't know what a journal entry is and I don't know what the instructions are talking about either. I'm used to book reports, so can I have a example of a journal entry and a explanation of what I have to do and what the instructions mean. Thanks




  1. A journal entry requires you to react to the novel, to say what you think about the theme, the characters, the plot, the action, the interactions.   You need to connect your thoughts about the theme to the plot and the characters.

    It is a couple of years since I read The Kite Runner and someone has borrowed my copy, so I can’t check it, but here are some links that should help you .

  2. TO me, it would be easier to pick one theme to use throughout each of the 3 entries. For instance, the theme of "the essence of friendship" is a very good one for this novel.

    Then I would choose a conflict that is relevent in each of the sections.

    So, Journal Entry #1 covers chapters 1-10, and how the essence of friendship is addressed in these chapters. Your instructions are actually pretty clear in what you need to include, which is helpful.

    Now, you need to find scenes in the novel that relate to the issue of friendship. I don't remember what happens when in the book, but generally speaking I'd say that you can include some instance in those chapters about how the boys are good friends, how they play together. If there are conflicts early on between them (when he starts to be not nice to his friend), then those are relevant examples to include. What does this say about their friendship? Is that what your friendships are like? Why or why not? Then THAT reaction is what your teacher is looking for.

    It's as if you and I were sitting down talking about this book. You say, "Hey, I'm reading _The Kite Runner_ " and we talk about it. Then you tell me something that happened in the first 10 chapters that you really liked, or scared you, or made you mad or sad. Then you tell me why IN THE CONTEXT of telling me what friendship is (or is not) or should be.

    OK, in doing this, you have to tell me, well, I think Amir thinks THIS about friendship. I say, "Why do you think that?" And you tell me what he did or said or thought that makes you think that. Then you do the same with Hassan. As far as asking what the author's attitude is and how the cencept is developed, you just say "this is what the author is saying about friendship" (or whatever concept and clifcts you choose), and then "this is why I think he is saying that," and "this is how he did it by these examples."

    It's important to remember that the teacher is looking for your reactions to the story. This is not just about "right and wrong" answers. You have to be able to support what you are saying, but ultimately it is about what you got out of it…. Worry less about doing it "right" (which can be paralyzing!), and more about just honestly addressing each point the teacher says to address. You can talk to ME about the book, right? So that's really all of what you are doing here.

    I hope this helps at all. I know it seems intimidating, but you can do it because you get to think about it and react to it as YOU read the story. If you read the book, then I know you had to have emotional reactions and thoughts about what occurred between Amir and Hassan, Amir and his dad, and Afghanistan, and bullies/Assef. Think about how Hassan stood up to Assef for Amir. Then think about how Amir let Hassan down. What does this say about Amir and Hassan? See? You already know the answers. ;)

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