
The lady that sat on the toilet for 2 YEARS???

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Did anyone else hear about that lady that was sitting on the same toliet for 2 years str8??? I've read the reports but I cant find any pics




  1. Wow!...That must have been SOME burrito she ate!.

  2. Would you really want anyone taking your pic if you had been on the toilet for 2 yrs?

  3. Do you really need to see a picture? Mental image is burned into my brain already.

  4. I don't believe it...this didn't make it to any News Channel And I haven't seen any pictures either.

    So it sounds like c**p to me!!

  5. go to website MSNBC

  6. Yes I did but hard to believe. Some where in Kansas.

  7. LOL.. here is video report -->

  8. Ya it happened and she had a phobia of leaving te bathroom. She also had this desiase that made your muscles all weak and useless. Then her boyfriend got in trouble

  9. Yeah, they were were talking about it on the radio. She supposedly had a "phobia" about leaving the bathroom. Her boyfriend thought it was kind of strange but didn't want to interfere. They had to take her to the hospital with the toilet seat still attached because her skin had grown around it. That statement makes me think she was pretty overweight, but I don't know that for a fact.

    Anyway, ewww!

  10. What?!?! That sounds CRAZY!!!

  11. Yes I heard about that incident. My dad told me about it. I didn't beleive him at first  but now I do. It was all over the news yesterday. I dont think there are any photos. But there could be. Her boyfriend had to feed her on the toliet. think about all of the birthdays and special events she missed. I would of hated to be her. she probably couldnt wipe her bottom. Because her mucles grew way to weak. You probably could find her picture on some really weird website. But I can not recomend any websites. Good luck finding her picture!!!!!!!!

  12. I don't think there are any photos at this time. Since police and emergency crews responded to the call, its probably a matter of privacy laws (HIPAA) and the press probably didn't find out about the story until she was transported to the hospital. I wouldn't be surprised if the woman makes some sort of appearance or statement in a few days though.

    For everyone who doesn't know what this is about, here is a link to the story

  13. i heard that she had her skin growng on the seat and she lost feeling in her legs because she sat there for so long!

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