The land of Nottingham was astonished by Ballyard Buddy’s tremendous win, in the Stadium Bookmakers Maiden standard Final
Among the fourteen shows scheduled on the dirt track of Nottingham, the most admired event was the Stadium Bookmakers Maiden standard Final. The Grade Or chase covering the trip of 500 meters, declared the ideal hound of the combat Ballyard Buddy the
purse winner, for trainer S Mason.
Throughout the quest the young hound had to struggle big time for the entailed purse of £350.
Wearing black and white jacket, S Mason’s dog was sent in with the most favourable odds, the trap 4 racer commenced through his box with an amazing speed.
Unfortunately the blue and white hound’s swift pace got hindered at numerous points. The first obstruction experienced by the champ was during the first bend, this difficulty made his victory quite far-fetched.
Instead of taking the situation in over his head trainer S Mason’s two-year-old greased his elbows and rallied towards the finish line, in urge to hit the wire in the first place.
With the odds of 6 – 4 F, a sudden increase in Ballyard Buddy’s abrupt speed surprised S Mason, who kept his finger crossed till the hound concluded his quest. In total 30.70 seconds the trap 4 racer accomplished in crossing the wire at first place.
As the auspicious hound successfully crossed over, trainer David Pruhs‘s Luminous Ferrari by 1 ¼ lengths lost the lure chase.
The trap 2 racer with the odds of 5 – 1 tried every chance to win the purse for David Pruhs, but unfortunately his effort was not enough to compete with the purse winner, Ballyard Buddy.
While surging through the pack of hounds the white and blue dog sparkled among his contenders, when he was able to acquire the pointer spot, during the second bend. Unluckily he could not sustain the leading position, and lost the quest by covering
the distance in 30.80 seconds.
Following Luminous Ferrari by ½ a length was Scala Maldini, a blue dog who managed to wrap up his chase at the third place.
In with the odds of 4 – 1 trainer G Kovac’s hound was provided with a clear run throughout the chase, due to his sluggish pace. It took him 30.84 seconds to reach the finish line.
Fourth position was attained by the trap 5 racer Romeo Patriot, a black dog who rallied through the dirt track of Nottingham for trainer D Firmager. The one-year-old took 30.98 seconds to conclude his lure chase.
The trap 1 racer, trainer P Rosney’s Soviet Marco, because of his sluggish surging speed managed to cross the wire in 31.02 seconds, at fifth place.
The hound who helped in concluding the event was trainer A Grewcock’s Lewcas Lightning. While dashing through the trail the blue dog faced immense obstructions, due to which he took 31.20 seconds to finish up at sixth place.
The Stadium Bookmakers Maiden Standard Final was impressively won by the victorious hound Ballyard Buddy, who stole the show with his fantastic sprint for trainer S Mason.