
The language used in spain?

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What is the best spanish language to learn if you where going to spain, what's more common?

Latin Espanol or Spanish Espanol? (<- Is that right?)

I was going to try and learn the spanish (not latin) version, does it matter?




  1. Castellano(spanish) try to find yourself a teacher from spain and you will be all set. Castellano from spain  the only proper spanish there is. Some people might even get offended by this but its the truth. Good Luck!

  2. It&#039;s Spanish!

  3. spanish

    most people speak english

  4. Learn normal spanish. But if you go to Barcelona, learn Catalan, if you go to Bilbao, learn basque (wich is very difficult!)

    have a nice time.

    Be carfeul with the sun, take sun lotion!

    And don´t drink too much wine!

  5. Uhhh they speak SPANISH in Spain.

    If you really feel the need to differentiate, and there really isn&#039;t one, you should study Spanish from Spain, of course, and in Spanish, that is referred to as español peninsular.  (to differentiate from español latino o américano.)  both are referred to as castellano, although within Spain, castellano generally refers to the accent of the Castilla regions...

    Whatever you study, the teacher ought to have enough of a handle on the languages to give you a smattering of words and expressions from different regions, countries, etc.  And whatever you study, you will pick up regionalisms as you go, while you are there.

    I learned to speak in Spain, and my slang is totally peninsular, which occasionally makes for a little confusion or outright belly laughs when speaking to my mexican neighbors.

    (a good example is the word Spain it means to grab or catch, as in to catch a train, but in Latin America it means....something entirely different, which has made for enough laughter and embarrassment that I have learned to use alternate expressions with my Latin friends.)

    *Edit*  sticking tongue out to whoever that was, too.

    yeah, I think it&#039;s pretty obvious that Spanish Spanish would be the language spoken in Spain.  As a Spanish teacher, I know the differences and have taught it.  There ARE two academies, and the asker got that part right, but the truth is, it really doesn&#039;t matter what you STUDY, as I said above, because you pick up the little details of wherever you learn to speak (and anywhere you travel, for that matter), and what you study is generally pretty generic...a good teacher will give you alternate expressions for things that have more than one.

  6. I went to spain and spoke the spanish i learned in high school. we learned spanish based on how they speak the language in mexico. i had no problems communicating. different regions have different dialects of spanish but its all pretty much the same langugae. just take espanol for your langugae coarse, you&#039;ll be fine. its like an american visiting britain, some differences but the same langugae

  7. spanish :)

  8. Just learn Spanish Espanol. They speak Spanish in Spain as its Spain and not any of the Latin countries (like anywhere in South America)

  9. Spanish Espanol is speakin more frequently in more regions throughout Spain.

  10. There are many dialects of Spanish. The Northern regions (Basque) have a version so far removed that it&#039;s not understood by many Spanish. Because of this problem every Spanish child has to learn the Nationally recognised version. That is Catalan. This is the version you need to learn.

  11. Latin Spanish and you will be understood. If you are going to learn Spanish specifically to travel to Spain, I suggest that you learn &#039;proper&#039; Spanish. Check on the Internet as there are more languages in Spain other modern Spanish.

    Check this link for further information.

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