
The laptop and my PSP can connect to router but not on internet. But one desktop can connect to internet?

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I have a PSP and a laptop. My psp can connect to the belkin router but can't receive internet. My psp says that the attempt to obtain the ip address timed out. I did my psp settings manually by putting my dns and my ip address in the settings. But the test connection always ends up being failed. As for the laptop, I can see the belkin connection and when I try to connect on it, it just gives up and not connect at all. There is one desktop in my room that is the only device that is connected to the internet connection with the router. How can I let my PSP and laptop connect to the internet with my desktop at the same time? how to fix this?




  1. You've done just about everything that I would have suggested.  I have one, admittedly unlikely, idea left though.

    It sounds like you might have DHCP turned off in your router.  This should not have caused any problems though as long as you configured your IP address and DNS servers manually. This is why I would like to ask if it is possible that you made a mistake when entering the DNS servers?  

    Just as an experiment, to make sure that you have the correct DNS settings, try enabling DHCP in your router and then try connecting with your PSP again. If it works, then the problem may have been a typographical error when you entered the DNS settings in your PSP.  If it does not work, then you're on your own, unfortunately, since that was my only idea.

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