
The last 8 years of our countries president term,do you believe he has been honest to every person of USA?

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The last 8 years of our countries president term,do you believe he has been honest to every person of USA?




  1. I don't think Bush has EVER told the truth in all of his eight (is that all-seems like so much more) years.  If it hasn't been an outright lie it's been a lie of omission.  And all of the half-  truths that have been told I don't think even he can count them.  That is, if he could count.  I would be sooo embarrassed to be his child!

  2. He's been more honest and straight forward than many politicians currently in Washington or who have been in Washington. I'm not saying he didn't bend a few truths, but then me a politician who hasn't.

    While I don't support Bush, I do believe he has (for the most part) told people the truth to the best of his ability (and don't cite the whole "WMDs in Iraq" BS, plenty of Democrats believed Iraq had WMDs also - even back during Clinton's administration).

  3. I am beginning to believe that the people that voted Bush in are either very dishonest themselves -very well off -or just politically blind ; and will vote for Mickey Mouse or Hitler if either of these two were to run on the republican ticket.Just my opinion as they have theirs . How else could people believe his lies?

    Obama-08 for an honest election and a new better day in American History

  4. All politicians lie!

    The only person in politics who doesn't lie is Jesse Ventura but everyone always attacks him because he hates the duel dictatorship of the two party system.  

    As quoted by Jesse "The Body" Ventura himself "Politics is a war without the guns."

    If people are really that ignorant or stupid to belive everything politicans say.  YOU ARE A FOOL!

  5. I do firmly believe that if the Bush administration said it, its probably a lie. Bush is a war criminal.

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