
The last Dimension? Answer to Big Bang my theory?

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I know it is a long question but I aint good at explaining in brief

Energy = Mass = Can not be created or destroyed

Big Bang = Universe

Universe = Big Bnag

But what Universe?

My theory is this.

Positive Universe

Negative Universe

And the last dimension is in between these two its nowhere nothing and not happening but its there just like the number 0 or a middle of a magnet.

Everything is the same in both but one is expanding and one is contracting eventually swapping when at the end of its process. Everything is shared our mass time gravity etc with mass our universe simply has most if not all of it right now but its gradually leaking into the opposite side through black holes.

Lets say we are in the positive Universe

Time is speeding up in ours

Time is slowing down in the negative

Expanding in ours

Contracting in the negative

Space time Forward ours

Space Time Backward in the negative

Black Hole in our sis a vacuum

White Hole in the opposite is Plenum (I think thats the opposite of Vacuum) in the negative

Gravity is double what we think it is but its force is equally split between positive & negative

Space time is also double

Gravity is getting weaker in our universe but getting stronger in the negative universe

Basically all events in our current universe will happen again but in rewind in the negative universe the future has already happened right now in the opposite its deserted all matter is gone which is here time is very fast possibly double what we have and its fastly rewinding our own future.

Our universe is expanding till all matter has been vacuumed into super black holes then this and the opposite will begin to have white holes appear time will slow there and all events that happened here will replay in rewind.

Our universe will speed up and be deserted gravity wont exist. Once the negative universe has reminded all the way back to the big bang our universe will switch because in the negative one after the big squeeze the big bang will occur there and in our universe it will begin to slow down into a reverse and a new future will occur in reverse in this universe Basically both negative and positive universe will continue doing this for eternity and has always been doing exactly this for ever.

I say this because we have space time black holes and weak gravity. This universe is built on negatives and positives to so why not an opposite universe one negative one positive. Plus time travel to the past is possible but all paradoxes can occur in this they cant someone traveling faster than light will simply create their own black hole cease to exist here and appear in the opposite exactly when they reached that speed but will be stuck in a universe which goes in rewind

The black holes in our universe are building the opposite universe for when that universe will have all our mass but be doing everything in reverse

The opposite is right now in ou future while this positive is in their future so its hard to say which one is going the right way both in a sense are.

What do you think of my theory?




  1. first off i believe that there never was any big bang, i believe that God made the universe and more. Another thing there may  be no other dimension but ours. A black hole may simply be a giant object that compresses other stuff into tiny dust or smashed into small dots, etc. Anyways I don't think black holes lead to another dimension.  

  2. It's been done (in Science Fiction .. )

    A few comments ..

    Gravity is a function of Mass - and would appear invariant (when we look at Galaxies billions of light years away (and thus at light that left them billions of years in the past) we see the galaxies behaving in exactly the same way as nearby ones (i.e. those in recent times) = hence Gravity is either invariant OR  any changes are being exactly balanced by some other force that acts EXACTLY like gravity (so we might as well call it gravity :-) )

    Quantum Theory has been proven .. this means that it is IMPOSSIBLE to 'repeat' events 'exactly' (every time you re-run a quantum level event it can, and does, take a different path, in exactly the proportions calculated by the quantum probability density function predictions ..)

    Finally, recent observations are in line with current 'big bang' theory that the Universe is expanding FASTER (not slower) and, indeed, will expand forever ..

    PS your suggestion that Gravity is becoming weaker contradicts your suggestion that the universe is closed .. (in order to slow down the expansion, gravity needs to be getting stronger, not weaker :-) )

    I've left out all considerations re: 'missing mass' and 'missing energy' (I leave it up to you to explain away the current requirements re: Dark Matter and Dark Energy

    (Dark Matter is needed to keep the galaxies sticking together, since they otherwise spin so fast they would fall apart (indeed as would happen if gravity got weaker))

    Dark Energy is where all the extra energy went after it drove the 'inflation' phase of the big bang :-)

  3. hmmm i kind of dont know what you are talking about when you say positive and negitive universe??? im stumped its a brain twister.

  4. I still haven't finished reading it yet lol

    Talk about a long question.

    Why would gravity be getting stronger in your negative universe if it has less and less matter in it?

  5. I think your theory will not fly.

  6. The universe was not created in a big bang.  The universe started as a chaotic mass of gases.  What you need to look at is the energy applied to create the universe not how matter got here.  Although if you think the gases were created then you must accept the idea of alternate dimensions.

  7. a lot of dualism, reminds me most of a ying and yang symbol.

    How bout my theory,

    Big Bang was the birth of God's Child

    God is Multiverse

  8. First off a theory is a scientific possibility before it is tested to be proved or proved false... This "theory" is a mixture of wild imagination and just plain wrong...

    My suggestion is look into Brian Greene's book on string theory (The Elegant Universe) and for goodness sake, cut down on the pot...

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