
The last election the gop trash a vietnam veteran. now they celebrate a vietnam vet. WHY?

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The last election the gop trash a vietnam veteran. now they celebrate a vietnam vet. WHY?




  1. Because the other vet was from t he democratic party.

    It is called politics, my friend.

  2. 8 years ago they were trashing McCain. He has an illegitimate black child, you know.

  3. 8 years ago the repubs thought McCain was scum who was adopting a black baby and was too old to do the job...

    ...this year they think he is god.

    Just what gives here...?

  4. Because he was a POW. That's supposed to give him a free ride for the rest of his life. They're getting upset now that the press is starting to circle the carcass, asking tough questions.  

  5. Convenience.  Whatever suits their needs.  Anyway to keep themselves from admitting that the dems have a better candidate... It's all delusional.  

  6. The last election, the GOP trashed a Viet Nam veteran that trashed and lied about his own comrades to a Senate subcommittee.

    He lied then, and he hasn't stopped since.

  7. In the last election the vet was a phony. The vet in this election was a real hero. That is the difference.  

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